Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Sauna Bath, Sudatory, Finnish Sauna


Public Facilities, Services, Activities, Recreation, Tourism, Lodging, Concessions

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate the location or availability of a sauna bath


Source Description
Modley & Myers page 115: Pictogram Sauna (Sweden)1) SSRS Side view of human figure sitting on a bench next to a sauna oven, heat indicated by dashed lines plus large drops of sweat
Hora page 156: CNIS Pictogram Sauna CNIS Side view of human figure sitting on a bench next to a sauna oven, heat indicated by wavy lines plus large drops of sweat
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 63: Saunaa) ÖNORM A 3011 Side view of human figure sitting on a two level bench next to a sauna oven, heat indicated by dashed lines plus large drops of sweat
Austrian Testdesign: Saunab) ON Testdesign Side view of human figure sitting on a two level bench next to a sauna oven, heat indicated by dashed lines
Modley & Myers page 99, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Sauna Bath O'72 Two human figures sitting on two levels, heat indicated by pattern of dots
Herdeg page 33, No 145: Pictogram Sauna for Baden-Baden by Studio E + U Hiestand, Zurich Baden-Baden Human figure sitting on a bench, heat indicated by pattern of dots
Modley & Myers page 124, Olympic Winter Games 1972 in Sapporo: Pictogram Sauna WO'72 Front view of human figure wrapped in a towel, heat indicated by pattern of dots
Herdeg page 23, Summer Olympics Tokyo 1964, Pictogram: Sauna O'64 Front view of human figure wrapped in a towel, heat indicated by pattern of dots
Pictogram: Steam Bath (Vienna)3) Z-BIW Two human figures sitting on two levels, heat indicated by two clouds in outline
Abdullah & Hübner page 131, Düsseldorf Airport: Pictogram Sauna Düsseldorf
Human figure sitting on a bench, heat indicated by wavy lines
Map Symbol: Sauna (freizeitkarte osm.de) freizeitkarte osm.de Human figure sitting on a bench, heat indicated by two vertical wavy lines above trapezoid
UTA Pictogram: Sauna2) UTA Human figure resting on a bench, heat indicated by vertical wavy lines
Hora page 140, Hospitality Symbol Signs System: Pictogram Sauna HSSS Human figure with towel resting on a bench, heat indicated by vertical wavy lines
MONDI Resort am Grundlsee Pictogram: Steam Bath TiOE Human figure sitting on a bench, heat indicated by vertical wavy lines on both sides
Stigenwirth Website Icon: Sauna Stigenwirth Human figure sitting on a bench, heat indicated by two vertical wavy lines
Pictogram: Sauna from an unknown source Unknown Side view of sitting human figure on a flat surface, leaning forward
Pictogram: Sauna from an unknown source Unknown Side view of human figure sitting on a bench, falling drop superimposed
Aicher & Krampen page 125: Pictogram Sauna by Muthesius Muthesius Side view of human head in outline, surrounded by pattern of dots
Pictogram: Sauna from an unknown source4) Unknown Wooden bucket with towel and handle of scoop
Pictogram: Sauna from an unknown source Unknown Wooden bucket and scoop
BTA 1989 Page 3.19: Pictogram Sauna Bath BTA 1989 Towel forming an S


The examples shown above are a selection from the range of pictograms and symbols for Sauna that can be found in publications and guiding systems worldwide. Apparently no visual stereotype can be identified to indicate the location or availability of a sauna bath, as the image contents vary to a large degree.

In our research we noticed that test results available are from one country only, but these still offer sufficient basic information:

Brugger (1979 a) inspected 12 pictogram variants for the message Sauna using an Appropriateness Ranking Test. The four pictograms judged as most appropriate are labeled 1) to 4) following the ranking order based on the test results.

Responses from two follow-up Comprehension Tests available for the variants marked 1) to 3) (Brugger, 1979 b) and a) to b) (Brugger, 1979 c) and the Appropriateness Ranking Test mentioned before show some clear tendencies:



Based on test results available we recommend the use of symbol No 63 of ÖNORM A 3011 Part 3 to signify Sauna.

Tests of pictograms of referent Sauna

Brugger, Ch. (1979 a): Abschlußbericht über den Reihungstest für die Referents Theater, Kurmittelhaus, Sauna und Fahrradverleih. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute, Vienna, 1979-08-13.

Brugger, Ch. (1979 b): Abschlußbericht über den Erkennungstest. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated 09/79, Vienna.

Brugger, Ch. (1979 c): Abschlußbericht über den Erkennungstest. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated 12/79, Vienna.

See also

Spa, Solarium, Massage
Shower, Whirlpool


Updated 2025-02-25 by Christoph Brugger