Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Tan Bed, Tanning Bed, Tanning Studio, Tanning Salon


Services, Concessions, Commercial Facilities, Tourism, Recreation

Message / Function

To indicate the location or availability of a solarium


Source Description
Icon/Pictogram Solarium by Huseynov Huseynov View of tan bed with person tanning, rays indicated by radial lines
Icon/Pictogram Solarium from PngItem PngItem View of tan bed with person tanning, rays indicated by vertical lines
Pictogram: Tanning Bed from bubaone bubaone View of open tan bed, sun with rays behind
Icon/Pictogram: Tan Bed by Freepik Freepik Side view of human figure lying in open tan bed
Pictogram Solarium from an unknown source3) Unknown Side view of human figure lying in tan bed
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 131: Solarium1) ÖNORM A 3011 Side view of human figure lying, solid bar and dashed lines indicating light source above
Austrian Testdesign for Solarium2) ON Testdesign Side view of human figure lying, three ovals with dashed lines indicating light source above
Erco Pictogram No 0077: Solarium Erco Side view of human figure lying, three ovals indicating light source above
Pictogram Solarium from Hotel Olimpia, Baja Sardinia Olimpia Side view of human figure lying on stretcher, filled circle with rays above
Austrian Testdesign for Solarium4) ON Testdesign Circle in outline with rays, inverted “V” shape above
Abdullah & Hübner page 155, Berlin Swimming Baths: Pictogram Solarium BBB Circle in outline with rays, framed by bold outline rectangle


The range of pictograms shown in the table above gives a good hint of the diversity of variants and image contents available to indicate the location or availability of a solarium. While several renderings focus on showing some kind of tan bed with person tanning, others just display a side view of human figure lying and some kind of object indicating a light source above. Lines implying rays of light seem to be significant elements. A few symbols simply depict the sun in combination with an additional element. No single visual stereotype can be identi­fied.

Only a limited range of image contents is covered by data from tests:

Brugger (1992 a) inspected four pictogram variants for the message Solarium using an Appropriateness Ranking Test. The four pictograms tested are labeled 1) to 4) following the ranking order based on the test results.

In a follow-up Comprehension Tests available for the variants marked 1) to 4) (Brugger, 1992 b) the ÖNORM A 3011 pictogram reached 78.7 % correct responses. Variants  2) and 3) elicited far less correct responses and variant 4) reached 6.0 % answers in this category.

A detailed look at the wrong answers reveals confusions with 'Surgery' and 'Operating room' for the testdesign labeled 2). Variant 3) elicited responses like 'Sleeping car', 'Couchette', 'Relaxation room', etc. The abstract version close to the bottom of the table received many 'Don't know' answers, and also wrong responses related to solar energy.


ÖNORM Symbol No 131 Solarium

Based on the test results known and regarding further considerations, we recommend the use of pictogram No 131 of the Austrian Standard ÖNORM A 3011 part 8 to indicate the location or availability of a solarium, as it does not represent a specific type of tan bed and is still understood well enough.

Tests of pictograms of referent Solarium

Brugger, Ch. (1992 a): Reihungstest 1992. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) FNA 133 dated August 1992, Vienna.

Brugger, Ch. (1992 b): Verständnistest 1992. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated October 1992, Vienna.

See also

Massage, Sauna, Spa
Beach, Lawn, Sunbathing Area


Updated 2025-02-25 by Christoph Brugger