Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Massage Therapy


Services, Wellness, Recreation, Tourism, Health Care, Concessions

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate and identify a facility where a massage may be obtained


Source Description
Abdullah & Hübner page 99: Pictogram Massage by Kapitzki Kapitzki Frontal view of standing human figure with white coat (outline), human figure lying on the back, cross
Herdeg page 33, No 146: Pictogram Massage for Baden-Baden by Studio E + U Hiestand, Zurich Baden-Baden Frontal view of human figure standing, human figure lying on the back on massage table
Erco Pictogram No 078: Massage Erco Frontal view of human figure standing behind human figure lying on the back
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 158: Massage ÖNORM A 3011 Side view of human figure massaging human figure in prone position
Hora page 113: Schiphol Airport Pictogram for Massage Schiphol Side view of human figure massaging lying person
Hora page 156: CNIS Pictogram Massage CNIS Side view of human figure massaging lying person
Pictogram Pict-97: Relaxation centre or spa (Centre de détente ou spa); from Québec Québec Human figure massaging human figure in prone position
Icon No 3965361: Massage by nanmulti sanhawan (Iconfinder) Sanhawan Human figure massaging human figure in prone position
Noun Project Icon No 1717126: Massage by Smashicons Smashicons Frontal view of human figure lying on massage table, standing human figure on the side
Noun Project Icon No 4666307: Massage by Amethyst Studio Amethyst Studio Back of person, hand massaging at neck
Noun Project Pictogram No 2780798: Foot Massage by Rattanaphan Rattanaphan Foot and two hands indicating foot massage
Noun Project Icon No 2677063: Massage by Becris Becris Two hands reaching into rectangle, lines indicating movement
Noun Project Icon No 3462577: Massage by Luis Prado Prado Side view of hand above curved element
Aicher & Krampen page 126: Pictogram Massage by Muthesius Muthesius Hand plus arrow forming two thirds of a circle above, cross on the left


In our research we discovered that the number of pictogram variants for Massage or Massage Therapy is rather small and no test data for this referent is available.

When judging pictograms for this message, one has to keep in mind the fact, that some of the pictograms for Adult Changing Table resemble those variants showing a human figure manipulating a human figure lying on the back. Therefore pictograms like the two at the top of the table above should not be considered for Massage, as height-adjustable adult changing tables offering support for people with disabilities will become more common in the near future.



Regarding various applications and what has been mentioned concerning the referent Adult Changing Table, we recommend using public information symbol No 158 of ÖNORM A 3011 part 10 for Massage.

Tests of pictograms of referent Massage

No data from research or tests is available in our database.

See also

Hospital, Spa
Sauna, Solarium, Lawn


Updated 2025-02-25 by Christoph Brugger