Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Public Beach, Bathing Beach, Beach Access, Beachfront, Strand, Sands, Seaside Resort


Nature, Natural Attractions, Attractions, Recreation, Tourism, Travel

Message / Function

To indicate the location of a beach


Source Description
Italian Traffic Sign 212: Pine Forest and Sea (Pineta e Mare) SVI Water, shown as blue lines, two trees in foreground
Hora page 157: CNIS Pictogram Beach CNIS Palm tree at curved beach, water shown as wavy line, bird flying
WTO Signs and Symbols Collection page 71: Beach (Iraq) Iraq Palm tree on dune, semicircle and lines on the right, water shown as wavy line below
Pictogram TTS-35: Beach (Playa) from Jalisco, Mexico Jalisco Palm tree on slope at water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram Public Beaches from Théoule sur Mer Théoule
sur Mer
Birds flying, sun, and water shown as three wavy lines
Traffic Sign Beach (Indonesia) PMP RI Sun, birds flying, parasol, and water shown as two wavy lines
Hora page 216, Camera Symbol: Beach Hora EL Sun, parasol, four arcs
Traffic Sign I-24 Seaside Resort, Beach (Balneario) from Argentina Argentina MSV Parasol, sun, and water shown as three wavy lines
Pictogram AT-SN 05 Beach (Playa) from Peru Peru 2016 Sun, parasol, and water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram IT1-9 Beach (Playa) from Ecuador Ecuador Sun, parasol, and water shown as two wavy lines
Algarve Map Symbol: Beach RTA Algarve Beach box, sun, and water, shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram AT-SN 05 Beach / Playa (Peru) Peru MST Sun and water, water shown as two wavy lines
NHW Pictogram: Beach NHW Sun and water, water shown as two wavy lines
Hora page 44, U.S. Highway Sign Beach MUTCD Side view of parasol on slope and water, shown as wavy line
Hora page 156: CNIS Pictogram Bathing Beach CNIS Side view of human figure, parasol and water
Public information symbol from ISO 7001: PI TC 017 Beach ISO 7001 Side view of human figure, parasol and water
Pictogram Beach from Galicia Galicia Side view of parasol and water, water shown as four wavy lines
Pictogram No 96: Beach (Playa). Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Side view of parasol in front of water, water shown as two wavy lines
ISO/TC 145/SC 1 (2012), design tested for Beach1) ISO/TC 145/
SC 1
Side view of parasol and water, water shown as two wavy lines
Touristic Traffic Sign TNA-02: Beach (Praia) DER Side view of parasol and water, water shown as two wavy lines
Touring Club Italiano: Pictogram Beach TCI Side view of parasol and water, water shown as two wavy lines
ISO/TC 145/SC 1 (2012), design tested for Beach2) ISO/TC 145/
SC 1
Side view of parasol and sunbed
French Traffic Sign ID20d Beach (Plage) France IISR Side view of human figure below parasol
Dreyfuss page 131: Symbol Beach Dreyfuss Side view of parasol with shade
NPS Map Symbol: Beach Access U.S. National
Park Service
Side view of parasol
ISO/TC 145/SC 1 (2012), design tested for Beach3) ISO/TC 145/
SC 1
Side view of parasol and water, water shown as two wavy lines
Abdullah & Hübner page 149: Pacific Bell Pictogram Beach Pacific Bell Side view of parasol
Public information symbol No 8037 from BS 8501: Beach (coastal) BS 8501:2002 Sand castle with flag, two elliptic arcs below
Hora page 332, United Kingdom Department for Transport: Map Symbol Beach UKDT Side view of sand castle with flag
BTA 1989 Page 3.20: Symbol Seaside Resort BTA 1989 Side view of sand castle with flag
Tern symbol TS2524: Beach or swimming pool Tern Upper part of human figure above water, shown as two wavy lines
BTA 1989 Page 3.20: Symbol Seaside Location BTA 1989 Water, shown as four wavy lines
Traffic Sign 210: Sea, River, Lake (Fig. 210: Mare Fiume Lago) SVI Water, shown as three blue wavy lines


The examples shown above are only a small selection from the wide range of pictograms and symbols used to indicate the location of a beach. This set of symbols already indicates that possibly no single visual stereotype exists concerning the message Beach. In some regions pictograms intended to indicate Swimming are utilized in signs pointing to a beach, too. These were not included in the collection above.

A number of studies examined some aspects regarding this referent:

When Gehringer (1976) examined eight variants for the referent Bathing Beach in an Appropriateness Ranking Test, a variant depicting a side view of a human figure diving into water was ranked first, but closely followed by most pictograms showing a side view of a parasol plus water. The side view of a parasol with shade labeled Dreyfuss was placed close to the end, as showing water seems relevant to signify Beach. A variant similar to the BTA 1989 symbol Seaside Location at the end of the table above just showing water was seen as least appropriate.

A document provided by ISO/TC 145/SC 1 (2012) shows data based on Comprehensibility Estimation Tests conducted in South Korea and the USA. In these tests the side view of a parasol plus sunbed, labeled as 2), reached the highest score, closely followed by the side view of a parasol plus water shown as two wavy lines marked as 1). The pictogram displaying just a side view of a parasol and labeled as 3) was judged as least comprehensible. In a similar comparison of four different symbols for beach (Neves, 2012) administered in the Iberian Peninsula, the map symbol of the United Kingdom Department for Transport showing a sand castle with a flag, labeled as UKDT in the table above, was judged as rather incomprehensible.

To avoid limited applicability of a pictogram for the intended message, specific details like pine trees, palm trees or sand castles, that all indicate distinct features of a beach, should not be part of the design. Renderings with a side view of a parasol plus water shown as wavy lines seem to be significant enough to convey the message Beach: in a study of map symbols in Brazil a symbol similar to the variant above labeled DER was interpreted correctly by 93.9 % of the respondents (Fiori, 2008), but adding a lying human figure might even further improve comprehensibility.


ISO 7001 public information symbol PI TC 017 - Beach  Hora page 156: CNIS Pictogram Bathing Beach

We recommend the use of a pictogram following the image content according to ISO 7001 for referent PI TC 017 Beach: Side view of human figure, parasol and water. The design should be improved concerning minimal detail size, rendering of the parasol and posture of the human figure, all aspects not optimized in the two examples above.

Tests of pictograms of referent Beach

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Gehringer, J. (1976): Reihungstest über 8 Begriffe aus dem Sportwesen - Priorität II. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated February 1976, Vienna.

ISO/TC 145/SC 1 (2012): COMMITTEE DRAFT Reference No. ISO 7001-PI TC 015pr: Beach, dated 2012-01-18. ISO: ISO/TC 145/SC 1 N 517.

Neves, J. (2012): Sistema de signos para informação turística: Metodologia para o desenvolvimento de sistemas sinaléticos. Tese de Doutorado - Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura.

See also

Lawn, Sunbathing Area, Swimming, Diving, Scuba Diving
Jet Skiing, Rowing, Sailing, Surfing, Windsurfing


Updated 2025-02-06 by Christoph Brugger