Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Luggage Lockers


Baggage Lockers, Coin Lockers


Public Facilities, Public Services, Travel, Transport Facilities, Tourism, Concessions

Message / Function

To indicate the location of lockers for the temporary storage of baggage


Source Description
D'source Pictogram Luggage Locker Facility D'source Case in outline rectangle, lock fills gap in rectangle
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI PF 013: Baggage lockers or coin lockers ISO 7001 Suitcase in outline rectangle with key inserted in gap
Modley & Myers page 58, KFAI: Pictogram Baggage Lockers KFAI Case in outline rectangle, key fills gap in rectangle
Modley & Myers page 58: Pictogram Baggage Lockers TC Suitcase in outline rectangle with door indicated, key above
SIS Pictogram Luggage Lockers SIS Suitcase in outline rectangle with opening on one side, key with tag above
Modley & Myers page 58, Expo 67: Pictogram Baggage Lockers Expo 67 Case in outline rectangle, key above
Testdesign for Pictogram Luggage Lockers ON Testdesign Suitcase in outline rectangle, key with tag above
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 37: Luggage Lockers ÖNORM A 3011 Suitcase in outline rectangle, key above
Abdullah & Hübner page 89, German Airport Authority (ADV): Pictogram Lockers ADV Suitcase in outline rectangle, key below
Pictogram Luggage Lockers (Dutch Railways 1980, Nederlandse Spoorwegen) NS 1980 Suitcase in outline rectangle, key below
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 7038: Left Baggage BS 8501:2002 Suitcase with tag in outline rectangle, key below
Pictogram Baggage Lockers from  Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Schiphol Case in outline rectangle, key above
AIGA Symbol Sign No 8: Baggage Lockers AIGA Case in outline rectangle, key above
Eco-Mo Foundation Pictogram A18: Coin Lockers Eco-Mo
Case in outline rectangle, key above
Abdullah & Hübner page 156, Zurich Airport: Luggage Lockers Zurich Airport Case in outline rectangle, outline key above
Erco Pictogram No 180: Luggage Lockers Erco Case in white rectangle on dark background with key above
Experience Japan Pictograms: Coin Lockers EJP Case inside filled rectangle, key above
Pictogram Luggage Lockers by Erben/Sramek Erben/Sramek Key in fron/insidet of case inside outline rectangle
Pictogram Checkroom or Luggage Lockers (Consigna) from Grupo de Trabajo Andaluz de Accesibilidad Cognitiva GTAAC Suitcase or shopping trolley, key in top right corner
Abdullah & Hübner page 133, Düsseldorf Airport: Pictogram Luggage Lockers Düsseldorf
Key above suitcase
Modley & Myers page 109, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Pictogram Baggage Lockers Port Key above case
Pictogram Lockers (IKEA SCS Vösendorf) IKEA Key above shopping basket
Modley & Myers page 58, Olympic Winter Games 1972 in Sapporo: Pictogram Baggage Lockers WO'72 Key in front/inside of case
Modley & Myers page 58, Summer Olympics Tokyo 1964: Pictogram Baggage Lockers O'64 Key in front/inside of case or bag
Ota page 186, Alpha Resort Shimucup: Pictogram Coin Locker ARS (Ota) Fat outline rectangle with key inserted
Modley & Myers page 59, Picto'grafics: Pictogram Baggage Lockers Picto'grafics Key inside outline rectangle


The manifold versions shown above are dominated by pictograms based on some kind of hand luggage (suitcase, case) inside of an outline rectangle plus a key outside.

Studies from several countries present research covering most concepts found in pictogram variants for this referent:

Kraft (1976) and Gärling (1985) examined more than twenty pictogram variants using Appropriateness Ranking Tests. Designs showing hand luggage inside an outline rectangle with a key above were rated as most appropriate while variants similar to the pictograms at the bottom of the table above were placed at the end of the line.

With 78 % correct responses the variant labeled ON Testdesign was superior to the design of Erben/Sramek, which reachend 60 % correct in a Comprehension Test (Brugger, 1977). Responses for the latter variant indicate that the key more often was assigned to the case instead of the locker. The concept showing a key inside the suitcase elicited more erroneous responses like 'Lockable Suitcase', 'Suitcase with Key', 'Suitcase Key'. Further Comprehension Test results indicate that adding a tag to the key seems to be irrelevant (Brugger, 1978).

In a Japanese study to propose domestically unified graphical symbols based on scientific methods, the pictogram variant labeled as Eco-Mo Foundation proved to be understood well enough with a compre­hension score of 78.5 (Eco-Mo Foundation, 2001). Among college students the pictogram from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, with colors inverted and therefore very similar to the AIGA version, reached an outstanding compre­hension score of 98.5 (Zwaga & Poppinga).

When Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol showing a key above a case similar to the pictogram labeled as Port on basis of a Comprehension Test, only 53.0 % of the responses were classified as correct. Answers reported are for example: Key-rack, Locksmith, Strongbox, Baggage, Trip, Closet and Baggage Rack.

The variant from the Dutch Railways (labeled NS 1980 above) only reached about 46 % correct responses in a Matching Test with a set of 29 symbols (Zwaga & Boersema, 1983). When asked which sign to follow when looking for luggage lockers, a significant number of respondents selected the symbol presented for Left Luggage instead, as the Dutch Railways symbol for Left Luggage of that time was not very clear, since it displayed just a single suitcase inside a closed rectangle with protruding edges.


Luggage Lockers

Based on test results from research known, we recommend the use of a variant like symbol No 37 of ÖNORM A 3011 part 2.

We further suggest to conduct a Comprehension Test comparing concepts like the first three pictograms of the table above with the design of our recommended symbol.

Tests of pictograms of referent Luggage Lockers

Brugger, Ch. (1977): Abschlußbericht über den Erkennungstest. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute, Vienna, 1977-10-04.

Brugger, Ch. (1978): Bericht über die Auswertung des Erkennungstests von November/Dezember 1977. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated 6. 3. 1978, Vienna.

Eco-Mo Foundation (2001): Test data of public information symbols in Japan - Procedure for the testing of public information symbols by the Study Committee. ISO: ISO/TC 145/SC 1 N 329.

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Gärling, T. (1985): ISO Appropriateness Ranking Test 1985 - Redovisning av genomförande. Report to the Swedish Standards Institute dated 1985-07-24.

Kraft, E. (1976): Ranking-Test. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated 09/76, Vienna.

Zwaga, H.J. & Boersema, T. (1983): Evaluation of a set of graphic symbols. Applied Ergonomics, 14, 1, 43-54.

Zwaga, H.J.G. & Poppinga, J.: Identification and Legibility of Graphic Symbols; Towards a standard for public information symbols. Internal Report, Psychological Laboratory, University of Utrecht

See also

Safe, Strongbox
Baggage, Left Luggage Baggage Check-in, Baggage Claim
Baggage Delivery, Baggage Trolley, Porter
Ski Depot, Ski Storage Room, Ski Rack


Updated 2025-03-03 by Christoph Brugger