Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Industrial Area, Industrial Estate, Industrial Heritage Attraction, Factories, Factory, Factory District


Heritage Attractions, Road Signs

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate the location of a building or set of buildings for the manufacturing of goods


Source Description
Modley page 41: Pictogram Factory Modley Side view of rectangular building with many windows and smoking chimney at the left edge, smoke shown as wavy line
Modley page 41: Pictogram Factory Modley Side view of rectangular building with nine windows and smoking chimney at the left edge, smoke shown as wavy contour on flat base
Pictogram GDLS A2-3 Industrial Area from South Africa SADC Side view of building with sawtooth roof, three windows and two smoking chimneys
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 8054: Industrial heritage attraction BS 8501:2002 Side view of building with sawtooth roof, six windows and smoking chimney at the left edge
Pictogram Industrial Zone (Catalunya) Catalunya Side view of building with sawtooth roof, three windows and smoking chimney at the left edge
Pictogram Industrial Zone (Portugal) NST Portugal Side view of building with sawtooth roof, three windows and smoking chimney at the left edge
SIS Pictogram PI KI 005 Factory, Fabrik SIS Side view of building with sawtooth roof and smoking chimney at the left edge
Italian Traffic Sign FIGURA II 192 ART. 125: Industry (Industria) SVI Side view of building with sawtooth roof and smoking chimney at the left edge
Pictogram RT003 Factory (Fábrica) from Bolivia Bolivia Side view of building with many windows and sawtooth roof, large chimney on top
Traffic Sign from Germany: Industrial Area StVO D Side view of building with sawtooth roof, three windows and two chimneys behind
Road Sign ID35: Industrial Area France IISR Side view of building with sawtooth roof and line at the left edge indicating chimney
Traffic Sign Symbol No 10510: Industrial Area (Slovenia 2015) Slovenia 2015 Side view of building with sawtooth roof and chimney at the left edge
Aicher & Krampen page 135: Pictogram Factory by Kapitzki Kapitzki Side view of building with sawtooth roof and chimney at the left edge
Dreyfuss page 93: Important Factory Dreyfuss Side view of building with sawtooth roof and chimney at the left edge
Traffic Sign Industrial Area (Norway) W-RSN Side view of building with sawtooth roof and chimney at the left edge
Dreyfuss page 104: Factory District Dreyfuss Vertical bar, two right-angled triangles, all slightly overlapping
TS0658 Industrial plant(s) or area Tern Side view of building with sawtooth roof and chimney at the right edge
Ota Page 82: Pictogram Industry (Neurath) Neurath Side view of rectangular industrial building with eight windows and smokestack
Pictogram: Industrial Estate*) Schiphol Side view of an industrial building in front of building with six large windows

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


The range of pictograms shown in the table above gives a good impression of the diversity of variants and image contents available to indicate the location of a building or set of buildings for the manufacturing of goods. Possibly the side view of a building with a sawtooth roof and a large chimney could be something like a visual stereotype, as it can be found quite often. Many images also display some kind of smoke as typical element that may be more or less outdated, but perhaps could be important to improve comprehensibility.

In our research we discovered that test results available in our database for the referent Industry are regarding one pictogram only:

Zwaga & Poppinga examined the pictogram variant labeled *) for the message Industrial Estate in their undated study Identification and Legibility of Graphic Symbols. In the comprehension task according to ISO 9186:1999 this variant from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport reached a comprehensibilty score of 22.5  only, indicating insufficient understanding of this pictogram.


As no data is available on comprehensibility of most of the pictograms available to indicate the location of an industrial area, we suggest to conduct a Comprehension Test for several representative graphical symbols shown above. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories should be provided to correctly judge comprehensibility and improve designs. Due to the number of differing image contents, the number of variants to be studied using the open-ended Comprehension Test could be reduced before on basis of the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure.

Tests of pictograms of referent Industry

Zwaga, H.J.G. & Poppinga, J.: Identification and Legibility of Graphic Symbols; Towards a standard for public information symbols. Internal Report, Psychological Laboratory, University of Utrecht

See also

Shops, Local Handicrafts
Books and Magazines, Florist, Flower Shop, Tobacconist, Wine Shop


Updated 2025-03-05 by Christoph Brugger