Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Books and Magazines

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Books & Newspapers, Newsstand, News Stand, News Kiosk, Newsagent, News Agent


Concessions, Commercial Facilities, Travel

Message / Function

To indicate the location of a store for books and magazines, a newsstand, news kiosk or newsagent


Source Description
Tern Pictogram TS0662 News stand, kiosk or news agent Tern Top part of a book in front of top of a folded newspaper with text 'New' implying a title
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 89: Books and magazines1) ÖNORM A 3011 Top part of a book in front of top of a folded newspaper with text 'New' implying a title
UIC 413 Pictogram B.8.1 - Books/Newspapers UIC 413 Top part of a book in front of top of a folded newspaper with text 'NEW' implying a title
UIC 413, outdated Pictogram Books, Newspapers2) UIC 413 b Book placed flat on a folded newspaper seen from above
Hora page 128, TCRP: Pictogram Books & Newspapers TCRP Book plus folded newspaper with text 'NEWS'
Eco-Mo Foundation Pictogram Newspapers, Magazines Eco-Mo
Magazine with text 'NEWS', flipped open, and small opened booklet
Hora page 153: CNIS Pictogram Books & Newspapers CNIS Book placed flat on a folded newspaper seen from above
Testdesign Books & Magazines3) ON Testdesign Top part of a book in front of top of a folded newspaper
Abdullah & Hübner page 134, Düsseldorf Airport: Books and Magazines Düsseldorf
Book in front folded newspaper
UIC Testdesign Books & Magazines* UIC Testdesign Book in front folded newspaper
UIC Testdesign Books & Magazines* UIC Testdesign Book in front folded newspaper
Deutsche Bahn (DB): Pictogram  Books & Magazines DB 2017 Book in front folded newspaper
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI CF 014: Newsstand / News Kiosk ISO 7001 A magazine flipped open and a folded newspaper
Abdullah & Hübner page 160: Zurich Airport Pictogram News Zurich Airport Hand holding folded newspaper, text 'News' above
Hora page 125, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA): Pictogram Newsstand MTA Diagonally arranged folded newspaper with text 'News' and four lines below
Experience Japan Pictograms: News/Magazine EJP Opened booklet or magazine showing horizontal lines and rectangle


To enhance differentiation from related referents like Library, most pictograms found rely on an image content displaying either a folded news­paper or a magazine flipped open as one of the elements shown. Another charac­teristic found often is the text 'NEW' or 'NEWS' on the folded news­paper, used to ensure correct under­standing.

Research data from three studies cover some pictogram variants for this referent:

Comprehension Test results for the three pictograms marked 1) to 3) in the table above (Brugger, 1983) showed that variant 1) performed best with 72 % responses in the defined domain and revealed better differentiation from the message Library than the other variants examined. Variant 2) from the Inter­national Railway Standard 413 - which concerns the signage and the information for the clients in the stations - elicited only 53 % responses in the domain intended, even though it was widely used already at the time of this study. Regarding these results the first variant of this table was included in the Austrian standard ÖNORM A 3011.

In a later study (Brugger, 1996) the two variants marked with a *, both with text symbolized similar to the ISO 7001 variant shown above, could not reach comprehension scores of the ÖNORM A 3011 and the UIC variants, which at that time reached comprehension scores of 73.6 and 69.6. The newspaper head shown in those variants seems to be a relevant detail. With a comprehension score of 60.1 the pictogram variant labeled as Eco-Mo Foundation seemed to be somewhat inferior to the ÖNORM A 3011 pictogram (Eco-Mo Foundation, 2001).


ÖNORM 3011 Referent No. 89  Tern Pictogram TS0662 News stand, kiosk or news agent

Based on the test results known and regarding design aspects we recommend the use of pictogram No 89 from ÖNORM A 3011 part 4 or Tern Pictogram TS0662 News Stand, Kiosk or News Agent.

Tests of pictograms of referent Books and Magazines

Brugger, Ch. (1983): Abschlußbericht über den Verständnistest. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated May 1983, Vienna.

Brugger: Ch. (1996): Verständnistest UIC Kodex Merkblatt 413. Report to ÖBB GD 02 (Austrian Railways), Vienna, March 1996.

Eco-Mo Foundation (2001): Test data of public information symbols in Japan - Procedure for the testing of public information symbols by the Study Committee. ISO: ISO/TC 145/SC 1 N 329.

See also

Cashier, Credit Cards


Updated 2025-03-05 by Christoph Brugger