Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Flower Shop, Flower Stall, Flowers


Services, Concessions, Shops

Message / Function

To indicate a place where flowers are sold


Source Description
Icon No 1035075: Florist by scarlett mckay scarlett mckay Flower inside house, all in outline
Icon No 3920392: Florist by Pham Thanh Loc Loc Female figure plus flower in flowerpot
Hora page 139, Hospitality Symbol Signs Sytem: Pictogram Florist HSSS Three flowers partially wrapped in paper
Abdullah & Hübner page 135, Düsseldorf Airport: Pictogram Flowers Düsseldorf
Two tulips in outline
ERCO Pictogram No 330: Flowers (Blumen) Erco Rose with five leaves
Modley & Myers page 117, Seattle-Tacoma Airport: Pictogram Flower Shop S/TA Stylised flower: six petals on stalk, two lancet-shaped leaves
Map Symbol: Florist from freizeitkarte-osm.de freizeitkarte osm.de Stylised tulip with two leaves
Pierce, T. (1996): The International Pictograms Standard, page 66: Florist, Floristería Pierce Stylised flower: six petals on stalk, two lancet-shaped leaves
UIC 413 Pictogram B.8.3 - Florist (Fleurs, Blumen) UIC 413 Stylised flower: six petals on stalk, two lancet-shaped leaves
Icon Florist by Kiuicons Kiuicons Stylised flower: six petals, two lancet-shaped leaves
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 8034: Garden BS 8501:2002 Stylised flower: six petals on stalk
NS 1980 Pictogram Flower Stall NS 1980 Stylised flower: six petals on stalk
Modley & Myers Page 105, Picto'grafics: Pictogram Florist Picto'grafics Stylised flower with eight petals
Dreyfuss page 65: Symbol for Florist Dreyfuss Stylised flower with six petals


While some renderings focus on displaying a facade of a flower shop or a person next to a flower, many pictograms just show some kind of stylised flower. Regarding aspects like legibility the latter should be preferred.

There is only very limited research data available for the referent Florist / Flower Shop, as only one pictogram was examined on basis of a test:

In a Matching Test with a set of 29 symbols (Zwaga & Boersema, 1983) the variant from the Dutch Railways (NS 1980) reached 92.75 % correct responses. While all experienced young respondents answered correctly, a few unexperienced seniors responded erroneously, but still 83 % selected the correct pictogram. As some confusions referred to the Dutch Railways symbol for information which displays an i insided a circle plus text below, some of these responses probably were caused by poor vision, since both variants have a similar shape. These results indicate that pictograms just based on a stylised flower should be well comprehensible within the specific context of a railway station, airport, shopping center, or the like. Used on maps it also could be confused with the message Garden.

Tests of pictograms of referent Florist, Flower Shop

Zwaga, H.J. & Boersema, T. (1983): Evaluation of a set of graphic symbols. Applied Ergonomics, 14, 1, 43-54.

See also

Shops, Local Handicrafts
Books and Magazines, Tobacconist, Wine Shop


Updated 2025-03-05 by Christoph Brugger