Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Water Skiing, Water-skiing, Waterski


Sports, Water Sports, Sporting Activities, Activities, Recreation, Tourism

Message / Function

To signify the activity of waterskiing


Source Description
Aicher & Krampen page 135: Pictogram Waterskiing Aicher &
Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two bent lines
Pictogram Waterskiing (Chile) Chile Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as wavy line, large wave behind skier
Modley & Myers page 115, Swedish Standard Recreation Symbols (SSRS): Pictogram Waterskiing1) SSRS Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two wavy lines, large wave behind skier
SWISSTRAFFIC Pictogram No 8-44: Waterskiing SWISSTRAFFIC Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram No 136: Waterskiing (Esqui acuático). Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two wavy lines
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 64: Waterskiing ÖNORM A 3011 Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram AcT 05 Waterskiing / Esqui Acuático (Peru) Peru MST Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two wavy lines
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 9066: Waterskiing BS 8501:2002 Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram IS3-6 Waterskiing (Esquí Acuático) from Ecuador Ecuador Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two wavy lines
Icon No 109552: Waterskiing by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as wavy line
U.S. National Park Service, Recreation (water): Pictogram Waterskiing NPS Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as wavy line
Fiori: Pictogram Waterskiing Fiori Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as wavy line
Erco Pictogram No 706: Waterskiing3) Erco Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as four bent lines
NZS 8603 Outdoor Recreation Symbol No 35: Waterskiing NZS 8603 Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as two wavy lines
Hora page 331: UKFC Map Symbol Waterskiing UKFC Side view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, large wave behind skier
Pictogram Waterskiing from an unknown source2) Unknown Front view of human figure waterskiing, tow rope, water shown as bent line
Modley & Myers page 88, NPS: Pictogram Waterskiing4) NPS Side view of human figure waterskiing, water shown as wavy line
Abdullah & Hübner page 149, Pacific Bell: Pictogram Waterskiing Pacific Bell Two hands holding tow rope

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


Side views of a human figure waterskiing, holding the tow rope, plus water shown as wavy lines dominate the variants found.

The results of the Appropriateness Ranking Tests conducted by Gehringer (1976) indicate that leaving away the tow rope as in the old NPS variant is judged as negative. The numbering of the variants marked with 1) to 4) corresponds to the rank order established in this study.

Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol showing a side view of a human figure waterskiing including a tow rope (only available here in low quality) using a Comprehension Test conducted in Brazil. 70 % of the responses were classified as correct. The answers Angling and Windsurfing were found among the wrong interpretations. This probably is due to displaying the waterski parallel to the water line, almost like a flat surface, and the posture of the waterskier.



Based on test results available we recommend the use of a pictogram similar to public information symbol No 64 of ÖNORM A 3011 part 3.

Tests of pictograms of referent Waterskiing

Gehringer, J. (1976): Reihungstest über 18 Begriffe aus dem Sportwesen - Priorität I. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated January 1976, Vienna.

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

See also

Motor Boating, Jet Skiing, Surfing, Windsurfing, Sailing
Beach, Lawn, Sunbathing Area, Swimming, Diving


Updated 2025-02-15 by Christoph Brugger