Facts and data on pictograms Literature



Sports, Water Sports, Sporting Activities, Leisure Activities, Activities, Recreation, Tourism

Message / Function

For notice in general and to signify the activity of windsurfing


Source Description
Icon 109553: Windsurfing by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Human figure on board, rigged sail, water shown as wavy line
Windsurfing WTO-Iraq Human figure on board in side view, rigged sail, water shown as two wavy lines
BSI 8501 Public Information Symbol No 9068: Windsurfing BS 8501:2002 Human figure on board in side view, rigged sail, water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram IS,11: Windsurfing Permitted (Australia, National Aquatic and Recreational Signage Style Manual) NARSSM Human figure on board in side view, rigged sail, water shown as wavy line
Map Symbol: Windsurfing from Fiori Fiori R Side view of human figure on surfboard, rigged sail, water shown as wavy line
Traffic Sign from Brazil: TAD-04: Windsurfing (Esportes nauticos) DER Human figure on front view of board, rigged sail, water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram ACT- D 11 Windsurfing (Windsurf) from Peru, 2016 Peru 2016 Human figure on board in side view, rigged sail, water shown as two wavy lines
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 66: Windsurfing ÖNORM A 3011 Human figure on front view of board, rigged sail in outline, water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram No 138: Windsurfing (Windsurf). Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Side view of human figure on surfboard, clipped rigged sail, water shown as two wavy lines
NZS 8603 Outdoor Recreation Symbol No 26: Windsurfing NZS 8603 Side view of human figure, rigged sail, water shown as two wavy lines
U.S. National Park Service Map Symbol: Recreation (water) - Pictogram Windsurfing U.S. National
Park Service
Human figure in side view, rigged sail, water shown as wavy line
Pict-63: Windsurfing (Planche à voile) from Québec Québec Human figure in side view, rigged sail, water shown as wavy line
BTA 1989 page 3.24: Pictogram Windsurfing BTA 1989 Side view of human figure on surfboard, rigged sail
Erco Pictogram 742: Windsurfing Erco Side view of human figure on surfboard, rigged sail
Pictogram No V-17: Windsurfing from Portugal NST Portugal Side view of human figure on surfboard, rigged sail
Pictogram Windsurfing from an unknown source Unknown Side view of surfboard with rigged sail

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


Rigged sail, side views of a human figure with a hand on the boom, plus water shown as wavy lines dominate the pictogram variants found and could be seen as visual stereotype to signify the activity of windsurfing. Scaling of the human figure in relation to the size of the sail and the surrounding water surface varies quite a bit between pictograms available. Several renderings, as for example the U.S. National Park Service Map Symbol for Windsurfing, do without showing a board and still seem to get the intended message across.

In our research we found only very limited information on data from tests:

Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol showing a side view of a human figure on a surfboard with rigged sail and the water shown as wavy line (available here in low quality only) using a Comprehension Test conducted in Brazil. Only 45.9 % of the responses were classified as correct. The answers Sailing, Yachting, Surfing, and Regatta were found among the wrong interpretations. We assume that some of the responses were done quickly and did not express the meaning in an exact manner, so real comprehension rate could probably be significantly higher.


Due to the fact that data from research is very insufficient, we recommend to start testing using the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure for eliminating poor variants and identifying the best of the set available, followed by a Comprehension Test. These studies should deliver useful data for recommending the best pictogram. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories of the Comprehension Test should be provided to correctly judge comprehen­sibility and improve designs. Also information concerning knowledge about this kind of sport should be collected at the end of the test, as the degree of familiarity with the referent examined has a significant impact on the validity of the data collected.

Tests of pictograms of referent Windsurfing

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

See also

Surfing, Sailing


Updated 2025-02-15 by Christoph Brugger