Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Fire Station

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Firehouse, Fire Service, Fire Brigade, Fire Department, Firefighters


Public Facilities, Safety, Services

Message / Function

To indicate a fire station or a place from which the fire brigade can be called


Source Description
Abdullah & Hübner page 137: Pictogram Fire Station by Renner Renner Side view of front of fire brigade ladder truck
Pictogram Firefighters from Ecuador Ecuador Side view of fire truck
Icon 79155: Fire Department by Vicons Design Vicons Design Side view of ladder truck
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 132: Fire Station ÖNORM A 3011 Side view of fire brigade turntable ladder truck, signal light above
Austrian test design for referent Fire Brigade / Fire Station1) ON Testdesign Side view of fire brigade ladder truck, signal light above
Pictogram No 1.5: Firefighters (Bombeiros) from Portugal GSR Portugal Side view of fire brigade turntable ladder truck with signal light
Austrian test design for referent Fire Brigade / Fire Station2) ON Testdesign Side view of fire brigade turntable ladder truck
Austrian test design for referent Fire Brigade / Fire Station3) ON Testdesign Side view of fire brigade turntable ladder truck
US (MUTCD) Symbol for Highway Sign: Fire Station MUTCD Side view of fire brigade ladder truck
Pictogram No 74421299: Fire Brigade Truck teracreonte Front view of fire truck
Italian Traffic Sign No 112: Fire Brigade (Vigili del fuoco) SVI Side view of fire fighter with helmet holding hose
Modley & Myers page 77, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Fire Team O'72 Fire fighter with helmet holding hose
McLaren & Braunstein: Pictogram Fire Service McLaren & Braunstein F inside circle, front view of fire fighter with helmet
Pictogramas Universales de Madrid, Pictogram Fire Station, designed by Avanti, Barcelona Avanti PUM Clipped front view of fire fighter with helmet, flame, inverted V above
Experience Japan Pictograms: Fire Station EJP Front view of head of fire fighter with helmet
Children's Hospital of Buenos Aires, Pictogram Fire Service CHBA Side view of head of fire fighter with helmet, axe
Pictogram GDLS A4-1 Fire Station from South Africa SADC Side view of fire fighter helmet, two axes crossed behind
Sagamihara Map Symbol: Fire Station Sagamihara 180° arc, vertical line attached below

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


Besides side views of all kinds of fire brigade ladder trucks, pictograms displaying fire fighters with helmet and holding a hose are quite frequent in our collection. Also variants with other fire fighting equipment like axes can be found. We did not include various logos of fire fighting organizations, which sometimes also present some kind of activity or fire fighting equipment, frequently also in combination with flames.

In our research we discovered that there is only test data available for three pictograms of the table above:

Brugger (1992 a) inspected these pictogram variants for the message Fire Brigade or Fire Station (Feuerwehr in German) using an Appropriateness Ranking Test. The pictograms tested are labeled 1) to 3) following the ranking order based on the test results.

In a follow-up Comprehension Test (Brugger, 1992 b) 86.3 % of the responses concerning the pictogram labeled 1) could be classified as correct. Variants  2) and 3) reached 77.4 % and 80.0 % correct answers. A detailed look at the wrong answers reveals a few confusions with 'Towing Service', 'Crane Truck' and 'Construction Works'.

Means of comprehensibility estimations for these variants from a different sample were somewhat lower, ranging from 69 to 74 and differing by just 5 % between variants (Brugger, 1999).

No test data is available for the images of fire fighters with helmet and additional accessories, but we expect them not to be superior to the images tested. Logos from several fire fighting organizations neither offer convincing solutions for the intended message.



Public Information Symbol No 132 of ÖNORM A 3011 part 8 was developed regarding the test results mentioned above and seems to be a good pictogram to indicate a fire station or a place from which the fire brigade can be called.

Tests of pictograms of referent Fire Station

Brugger, Ch. (1992 a): Reihungstest 1992. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) FNA 133 dated August 1992, Vienna.

Brugger, Ch. (1992 b): Verständnistest 1992. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated October 1992, Vienna.

Brugger, Ch. (1999): Public information symbols: a comparison of ISO testing procedures.  In: Zwaga, H., Boersema, T. & Hoonhout, H. (Eds.): Visual information for everyday use. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.

See also

Fire Alarm, Fire Extinguisher, Ambulance, Police
Emergency Alarm, Alarm Point, Emergency Call, Emergency Telephone, Telephone


Updated 2025-03-04 by Christoph Brugger