Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Picnic Area


Picnic Site, Rest Area, Rest Stop, Picnic Table, Picnicking, Picnic


Travel, Tourism, Public Facilities, Road Signs

Message / Function

To indicate the location of facilities for picnics and to indicate the availability of a roadside area where drivers may rest


Source Description
Pictogram No 17: Picnic. Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Side view of two human figures seated at a table under a tree
BSI 8501 Public Information Symbol No 8041: Picnic Area BS 8501:2002 Side view of a human figure seated at a table, tree in the background
Hora page 332, United Kingdom Department for Transport: Map Symbol Picnic Area UKDT Side view of a human figure seated at a table next to a tree
Austrian Testdesign: Picnic Area ON Testdesign Side view of a human figure seated at a table next to a tree
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI TC 004: Picnic Area ISO 7001 Side view of a human figure seated at a table with attached bench, tree in the background
Pictogram AT026 Picnic Area/ Área de Picnic from Bolivia Bolivia Side view of a human figure seated at a table with attached bench, tree in the background
Testdesign: Picnic / Rest Area In-Safety Side view of a human figure seated at a table with attached bench, text WC
TS0250 Picnic site / Rest area Tern Side view of a human figure seated at a table with attached bench
Traffic Sign Symbol No IT-62 Picnic Area (Chile) CNFC Side view of a human figure seated at a table with attached bench
Pictogram Picnic Area from unknown source Unknown Side view of a human figure seated at a table with attached bench
Pictogram Picnic Area from unknown source Unknown Side view of two human figures seated at a table
Pictogram No 3.7: Picnic Area (Parque de merendas) from Portugal GSR Portugal Side view of two benches next to table and tree on base
La Clusaz Map Symbol Picnic Table La Clusaz Side view of two benches next to table and tree on base
French Traffic Sign No CE7: Picnic Area France IISR Side view of two benches next to table and tree on base
Swiss Traffic Sign: Rest Area SWISSTRAFFIC Side view of two benches next to table and tree on base
Pictogram IT4-3 Picnic Area (Ecuador) Ecuador Side view of two benches next to table and tree on base
South Africa: Pictogram GFS B6-1 Rest Area - Class 1 SADC Side view of bench next to table and tree on base
Dreyfuss page 130: Picnic Area Dreyfuss Side view of table next to tree, on base
Modley & Myers page 114, Swedish Standard Recreation Symbols (SSRS): Rest Area, Picnic Site SSRS Bench and tree on base
Swedish Traffic Sign: Rest Area STA Bench and tree on base
20. Convention on Road Signs and Signals: Traffic Sign F, 8: Picnic Site UN 1968 Bench and tree on base
Traffic Sign Symbol No 10419 Rest Area (Slovenia 2015) Slovenia 2015 Bench and tree on base
Pictogram Picnic Area from unknown source Unknown Bench and tree on base
Norway, Traffic Sign: Rest Stop W-RSN Bench and tree
Pictogram No 31: Picnic Area - Merendero from Aragón (Spain) Aragón Tree and bench
Pictogram No I-650-6: Service Area signs (Aire de service) from Québec Québec Side view of picnic table with attached bench next to tree
Road Sign I-420-4: Rest Area (Halte routière); from Québec Québec Side view of picnic table with attached bench next to tree
Hora page 69: Canadian Road Sign Picnic Table by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) TAC Side view of picnic table with attached benches
Icon Picnic Area (Carbon) Carbon Side view of picnic table with attached benches and outline circle in top right corner
Modley & Myers page 88, NPS: Picnic Area NPS Side view of picnic table with attached benches
NPS Map Symbol Picnic Area U.S. National
Park Service
Side view of picnic table with attached benches
Parks Canada Pictogram 6-4-003: Picnic Area Parks Canada Side view of picnic table with attached benches
NZS 8603 Outdoor Recreation Symbol No 64: Picnicking NZS 8603 Side view of picnic table with attached benches
BTA 1989, page 3.18: Picnic Site BTA 1989 Side view of table
Map Symbol: Rest Area/Rastplatz (Tourist Map Main Taunus Kreis 1986, Germany) FMTK 1986 Side view of table
Pictogram ST-Esp 08: Picnic Sites (Lugares de Picnic) from Peru 2016 Peru 2016 Basket with food on checkered piece of cloth


The examples shown above are a selection from the range of pictograms and symbols for the referent Picnic Area that can be found in publications and guiding systems worldwide. There are several general concepts and a considerable number of visualizations. Obviously there is no clear stereotype to indicate the location of facilities for picnics.

Test results from research found in our database cover quite a few image contents available:

Several variants from the selection above were studied in Appropriateness Ranking Tests (Brugger, 1984, Gärling, 1985) and a Comprehensibility Judgement Test (Brugger, 2006) regarding symbols used on highways. Results from a total of five countries indicated that variants with a person sitting at a table are judged as more comprehensible than tree/bench based variants without a person. The latter could also be misinterpreted as Park. Adding the letter based symbol for Toilet or Parking improved judged comprehensibility. Showing just a picnic table with attached benches as in the variant NPS was consistently ranked as least appropriate.

When Vukelich & Whitaker (1993) examined the effects of context on the comprehension of graphic symbols applying a Comprehension Test, the old NPS map symbol was part of this study. Percentages of correct answers varied from 36 to 76 depending on the amount of context provided, but with 25 subjects only in each of the context groups data may not be very reliable.

The variant labeled ON Testdesign passed ISO acceptance criteria in the Comprehension Test of the 1986 ISO Test Series (Brugger, 1987). Applying lenient scoring 72.6 % of the answers were classified as correct. Results for this pictogram are based on responses from more than 500 respondents, collected in Australia, Austria, Hungary, Japan, and the United Kingdom. No context information was provided in this test.


Picnic Area

Regarding test results from research available we recommend the use of a symbol like PI TC 004: Picnic Area of ISO 7001.

Tests of pictograms of referent Picnic Area

Brugger, Ch. (1984): Reihungstest 1984. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated 19/84, Vienna.

Brugger, Ch. (1987): Evaluation of Public Information Symbols, ISO 1986 Test Series: Comprehension/Recognition Test. WIEN: ISO/TC 145/SC 1.

Brugger, Ch. (2006): Comprehensibility Judgement Test. Report In-Safety, 506716.

Gärling, T. (1985): ISO Appropriateness Ranking Test 1985 - Redovisning av genomförande. Report to the Swedish Standards Institute dated 1985-07-24.

Vukelich, M. & Whitaker, L. (1993): Effects of context on the comprehension of graphic symbols. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 1. 511-515. 10.1177/154193129303700804.

See also

Barbecue, Park, Playground, Camping
Café, Coffee Shop, Refreshments, Restaurant, Beergarden, Vineyard, Wine Tasting
Gasoline Station, Filling Station, Parking


Updated 2025-02-17 by Ch.Brugger