Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Bivouacking, Camping Site, Campsite, Campground, Camping Area


Travel, Tourism, Concessions, Public Facilities, Activities, Outdoor Activities

Message / Function

To indicate the location of public camping facilities


Source Description
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI TC 002: Campsite or Camping ISO 7001 Wigwam style tent on a base, tree
Traffic Sign Symbol No 10216: Camping (Kamp, Slovenia 2015) Slovenia 2015 Wigwam style tent on a base
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 8079: Camping BS 8501:2002 Wigwam style tent
Pictogram No 35: Camping. Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Wigwam style tent
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 43: Camping ÖNORM A 3011 Wigwam style tent
Tern Pictogram TS2500 Camping site Tern Wigwam style tent
Modley & Myers page 105, Picto'grafics Pictogram Camping Picto'grafics Wigwam style tent with asymmetric opening
Pictogram TTS-5 Camping (Campamento) from Jalisco, Mexico Jalisco Wigwam style tent with asymmetric opening
Map Symbol Campground (freizeitkarte osm.de) freizeitkarte osm.de Wigwam style tent with large opening
Modley & Myers page 113: Swedish Pictogram Camping SSRS Wigwam style tent with inverted v like opening
Aicher & Krampen Page 94: Map Symbol Camping Site (Zeltplatz) Aicher &
Front view of ridge tent
Dreyfuss page 148: Pictogram Camping site Dreyfuss Front view of ridge tent
Pictogram GFS C4-2 Camping from South Africa SADC Ridge tent with asymmetric opening
Modley & Myers page 129: Nova Scotia Pictogram Campsite Nova Scotia Ridge tent with asymmetric opening, tent pegs at the edges
Pictogram Camping (Chile) CNFC Ridge tent in outline, tent pegs at the edges
NPS Map Symbol: Camping and Picnicking - Campground U.S. National
Park Service
Ridge tent on base
Modley & Myers page 87: Map Symbol Campground NPS Ridge tent on base
Traffic Control Device I-370-24: Municipal Camping sign (Camping municipal) from Québec Québec Ridge tent on base
NZS 8603 Outdoor Recreation Symbol No 63: Pictogram Campsite NZS 8603 Oblique view of ridge tent
Public Information Symbol D08: Campsite Eco-Mo
Oblique view of ridge tent
Experience Japan Pictograms: Camping EJP Oblique view of ridge tent
Icon Camping Allowed from Vienna Handbuch wien.gv.at Oblique view of ridge tent in outline, stakes
Abdullah & Hübner page 149: Pacific Bell Pictogram Camping Pacific Bell Oblique view of ridge tent
Hora page 92: Parks Canada Pictogram No 6-4-001: Camping PC Front view of house tent
Pictogram AcT 17 Camping (Campamento) from Peru Peru MST Front view of dome tent, two tent pegs and lines at the edges
Icon No 109493: Camping, Outdoors by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Oblique view of ridge tent, three tent pegs
Fiori Page 266: Map Symbol Camping Area Fiori R Perspective view of ridge tent on base


Research data concerning the referent Camping is rather limited in our database:

Gehringer (1979) asked 300 subjects from seven countries to draw a symbol for camping site. Results were very homogeneous with 95 % of the drawings showing a tent and 3 % showing a caravan.

The selection above corresponds to these findings. While for example both U.S. National Park Service variants seem rather abstract, many pictograms are easy to recognize as images of tents.

This is especially true for the pictogram labeled as Eco-Mo Foundation. In a Japanese study to propose domestically unified graphical symbols based on scientific methods, it proved to be well comprehensible with an excellent comprehension score of 94.1 (Eco-Mo Foundation, 2001). But for a map symbol displaying a perspective view of a ridge tent on a base, very similar to the variant labeled Fiori R in the table above, only 60.4 % of the responses in a Comprehension Test were classified as correct in a study conducted in Brazil (Fiori, 2008).

Furthermore there is some information concerning comprehensibility available for the pictogram of the Parks Canada Identity Program (2007): since all pictograms that failed comprehension testing in Canada have been retired from use there, the Parks Canada pictogram No 6-4-001: Camping, displayed above and labeled PC, must have reached a comprehension rate of 80 % or higher, as this variant does not have the status Retired and does not have to be accompanied by a supportive text message.



We recommend the use of a wigwam style tent as shown in pictogram No 43 from ÖNORM A 3011 part 2, which is symmetric, has no superfluous elements and is still easily recognized, and also works as small scale reproduction.

Tests of pictograms of referent Camping

Eco-Mo Foundation (2001): Test data of public information symbols in Japan - Procedure for the testing of public information symbols by the Study Committee. ISO: ISO/TC 145/SC 1 N 329.

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Gehringer, J. (1979): Untersuchung über die zeichnerische Gestaltung von Pictogrammen in Abhängigkeit von einigen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen, sowie Überprüfung einiger Bildzeichen auf ihre Erkennbarkeit. Dissertation, Psychology Department, University of Vienna.

Parks Canada (2007): Parks Canada Identity Program: Exterior Signage; Standards and Guidelines - Version 1. March 2007.

See also

Camper, Campervan, Mobile Home, Recreational Vehicle, Caravan
Barbecue, Campfire, Picnic Area


Updated 2025-02-25 by Christoph Brugger