Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Children's Playroom

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Playroom, Play Room, Indoor Play Area, Children's Corner, Kids Corner


Facilities, Public Facilities, Tourism

Message / Function

To indicate the location of a facility or area where children can play indoors


Source Description
Austrian Testdesign for Children's Playroom ON Testdesign Side view of child playing ball and child with jumping cord, inverted “V” above
Austrian Testdesign for Children's Indoor Play Area ON Testdesign Side view of children on seesaw, inverted “V” above
Austrian Testdesign for Children's Indoor Play Area ON Testdesign Side view of child on children's slide, inverted “V” above
Korean Pictogram Proposal for Playroom KSA pr Side view of child on rocking horse, inverted “V” above
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI TC 015: Indoor Play Area ISO 7001 Two children (one boy, one girl) viewed from the side, on their knees, toy truck, inverted “V” above
PI OI 012 Children's Playroom, Babysitting (Lekrum/barnpassning) SIS Side view of child on its knees, toy truck, inverted “V” above
Austrian Testdesign for Children's Playroom1) Sand Side view of child at table and child on its knees with toy steam engine
Pictogram Playroom (Sala de juegos infantiles) from Grupo de Trabajo Andaluz de Accesibilidad Cognitiva GTAAC Side view of girl with two objects and child on its knees, playing with car
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 120: Children's Playroom ÖNORM A 3011 Side view of child on its knees, toy steam locomotive
Pictogram Children's Playroom from an unknown source2) Unknown Side view of child on its knees, toy truck
González: Pictogram Children's Playroom3) González Side view of small child playing with stacking cubes
Pictogram Children's Playroom from an unknown source Unknown Side view of child on rocking horse
Schiphol Airport: Pictogram Children's Corner Schiphol Side view of child on children's slide
Pictogram Children's Playroom from an unknown source Unknown Side view of rocking horse
Pictogram Children's Corner from Marche Mövenpick Marche
Side view of rocking horse
ÖBB Pictogram: Children's Play Area ÖBB 2007 Side view of rocking horse
Hora page 142: HSSS Pictogram Play Room, Day Care HSSS Teddy bear and ball
Erco Pictogram No 356: Toys Erco Teddy bear and ball
Pictogram Children's Playroom from 1982 (Carinthia, Austria) OP 82 Teddy bear and ball behind
Pictogram Kids Corner from R7 Laundry R7 Laundry Front view of teddy bear
Pictogram Children's Playroom from the NHW collection NHW Side view of head of teddy bear in outline


The range of pictograms shown in the table above gives a good impression of typical images used to indicate the location of a facility or area where children can play indoors. Renderings show quite some variation, from simple depictions of one or more toys like a teddy bear, a ball, a rocking horse, or even a children's slide or a seesaw, to more complex pictograms showing children playing. In quite a few cases an inverted “V” above is used to indicate that an indoor facility is signified using such a pictogram.

Studies from two countries present research covering several concepts found in pictogram variants for this referent:

Ten pictogram variants from the selection above were studied in an Appropriateness Ranking Tests conducted in Austria (Brugger, 1984). Results revealed that variants showing a child playing on the floor are judged as better comprehen­sible than variants primarily designed for indicating a playground, but with an inverted V above to signal that this is an indoor facility. Pictograms displaying just one or two toys usually used indoors mostly were ranked as rather inappropriate. These results were confirmed in a similar study conducted in Hungary with fifty respon­dents (Magyar Szabvanyügyi Hivatal, 1985).

Based on these findings Brugger (1990) reviewed the three graphical symbols labeled 1) to 3) in a follow-up study on basis of a Comprehension Test. With 33 % the test design provided by Walter Sand labeled 1) elicited the highest proportion of responses related to Kinder­garten, followed by the pictogram by González labeled with 3). The still significant number of responses for Playground found in variant 2) were ascribed to the fact that the toy shown in this pictogram is a truck, typical for playing in the sand. Therefore it was proposed to replace the truck by a toy steam locomotive, a toy usually not found outdoors, resulting in the design of symbol No 120 of ÖNORM A 3011.

Besides the test results available, it has to be regarded that renderings of toys, like the Erco pictogram above for example, often are used to signify departments or shops for toys.



Based on data available we recommend the use of pictogram No 120 from ÖNORM A 3011 part 7.

Tests of pictograms of referent Children's Playroom

Brugger, Ch. (1984): Reihungstest 1984. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute, Vienna, 1984-10-05.

Brugger, Ch. (1990): Abschlußbericht über den Verständnistest. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated 10/90, Vienna.

Magyar Szabvanyügyi Hivatal (1985): Ranking Test. ISO / 145-26/85, Budapest: Magyar Szabvanyügyi Hivatal.

See also

Playground, Kindergarten, Nursery, Baby Care Facilities


Updated 2025-03-06 by Christoph Brugger