Facts and data on pictogramsWaterfall Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Cascade, Cataract, Falls, Rapids


Nature, Natural Attractions, Recreation, Tourism, Travel

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate the location of a waterfall


Source Description
Aicher & Krampen page 135: Symbol Waterfall by Kapitzki Kapitzki Three wavy vertical lines, shape indicating landscape
Aicher & Krampen page 135: Symbol Waterfall by Kapitzki, colors inverted Kapitzki Three wavy vertical lines, shape indicating landscape
Pictogram No 70: Waterfall (Caida de agua). Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Six wavy vertical lines, two wavy horizontal lines at bottom
Experience Japan Pictograms: Waterfall EJP Three bold vertical lines with bent tips, one wavy horizontal line below
SIS Pictogram for Waterfall SIS Three curved lines with partly jagged contours ending as wavy horizontal lines
Modley & Myers Page 114, Swedish Standard Recreation Symbols: Waterfall SSRS Four curved lines with partly jagged contours, two ending as wavy horizontal lines
Guidance Sign - Tourism Direction GFS A4-2: Waterfall SADC Four curved lines with partly jagged contours, two ending as wavy horizontal lines
Map Symbol: Waterfall (freizeitkarte osm.de) freizeitkarte osm.de Three bold vertical lines with bent ends merging at top, wavy horizontal line at bottom
U.S. National Park Service Map Symbol: Park Sites - Waterfall U.S. National
Park Service
Five curved vertical lines, wavy horizontal line at bottom
Pictogram AT-SN 09 Waterfall (Cascada) from Peru, 2016 Peru 2016 Four tilted and kinked lines, ending at three wavy horizontal lines beneath
Pictogram AN010 Waterfall - Cascada (Bolivia) Bolivia Four curved lines with partly jagged contours, two wavy horizontal lines
Pictogram Waterfall - Cascada (Chile) CNFC Several steep curved lines, wavy horizontal line at bottom
Hora page 157: CNIS Pictogram Waterfall CNIS Curved shapes left and right delimiting blank space indicating falling water, two wavy horizontal lines at bottom
WTO Signs and Symbols Collection page 64: Waterfall (Iraq) Iraq Curved shapes left and right delimiting blank space indicating falling water, two wavy horizontal lines at bottom on the right
Waterfall from Québec Québec Shape with several curves indicating hilly landscape, waterfall ending in rapids and finally a wavy horizontal line
Symbol for Traffic Sign TNA-05 Waterfall - Cachoeira (Brazil) DER Three tilted vertical lines ending in two wavy horizontal lines in front of curved shape indicating landscape
Pictogram IT1-5 Waterfall - Cascada (Ecuador) Ecuador Three tilted vertical lines ending in curved shape, two wavy horizontal lines, plants on left
WTO Signs and Symbols Collection page 64: Waterfall (Chile) Chile Two lines of triangular elements with curve at top, wavy horizontal line below
Traffic Sign Fig.II 214 Art.125 Waterfall -Cascata (Italy) SVI Irregular shape indicating landscape, curved blue lines ending in circular arrangement indicating perspective view of waterfall
Pictogram SIT-4: Waterfall (Cascada) from Mexico City MDCT Several parallel curved lines indicating waterfall and waves at bottom
Pictogram TTS-30: Waterfall (Cascada) from Jalisco, Mexico Jalisco Several parallel curved lines indicating waterfall and waves at bottom
Traffic Sign Symbol No 10208: Waterfall (Slovenia) Slovenia 2015 Three bold vertical lines with bent tips, human figure on horizontal line
Parks Canada Pictogram for Warning: Rapids, Falls PC Human figure above tilted broken canoe, edge with two curved lines, wavy horizontal line at bottom
Swiss Conventional Sign: Waterfall swisstopo Arrow pointing in direction of water flow, line
Hora page 327, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Map Symbol: Waterfall USGS Three horizontal lines with increasing length

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


Graphic symbols for this referent show quite some variation concerning the image content, from rather abstract map symbols to quite detailed traffic sign symbols. While some renderings just show the water falling and the water below, others rely on additional shapes to indicate some kind of landscape. The diversity of image contents and renderings indicate the difficulties arising in designing a satisfying and comprehensible pictogram. Apparently there is no clear stereotype to indicate the location of a waterfall.

In our research we discovered that there is only very limited test data available for the referent Waterfall:

Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol almost identical to the pictogram labeled as DER in the table above. 83.4 % of the responses in a Comprehension Test were classified as correct, indicating the pictogram used for traffic signs in Brazil is well comprehensible.

For the more abstract variants we expect insufficient comprehensibility, especially if not enough context information is available.


We advocate to conduct a study including a Comprehension Test comparing all the concepts above to determine the image content working best. Furthermore we suggest to develop other variants with a strong focus on keeping minimum detail large enough to ensure legibility, but still providing enough information even in applications with insufficient context.

Tests of pictograms of referent Waterfall

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

See also

Marsh, Nature Reserve
Beach, Cave, Park


Updated 2025-02-04 by Christoph Brugger