Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Ice Cream

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Icecream, Soft Ice Cream, Frozen Custard, Ice Cream Parlor


Services, Concessions, Commercial Facilities, Travel, Tourism

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate the location of a facility where ice cream is sold


Source Description
Icon No 112344: Ice Cream by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Parallel projection of cone with soft ice cream in outline
From: Eating ice cream is not allowed (DB) DB Side view of cone with two scoops of ice cream
D'source Pictogram Ice Cream by Prof. Ravi Poovaiah, India D'source Side view of cone with three scoops of ice cream
Pictogram Ice Cream (Fiori) Fiori Side view of cone with two scoops of ice cream
SIS Pictogram PI KI 012 Ice Cream SIS Side view of cone with three scoops of ice cream
Hora page 112: Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Pictogram: Icecream Schiphol Side view of cone with three scoops of ice cream
Pictogram AL004 Ice Cream Parlor (Heladería) from Bolivia Bolivia Side view of cone with ice cream
U.S. National Park Service Map Symbol, Services: Ice Cream U.S. National
Park Service
Side view of cone with several scoops ice cream
Map Symbol: Ice Cream Parlor (Eisdiele) from freizeitkarte-osm.de freizeitkarte osm.de Side view of cone with two scoops of ice cream
Icon No 3254320: Cone / Ice Cream by jabbar jabbar Side view of cup with ice cream
Icon No 3204098: Ice Cream by Adrien Coquet Adrien Coquet Side view of ice cream bar


The collection above suggests that something like a visual stereotype can be identified for indicating facilities where ice cream is sold: the side view of a cone with one or several scoops of ice cream. Besides these images of mostly soft ice cream one also can find variations of renderings of ice cream bars.

Test data for the referent Ice Cream is rather limited:

When Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol displaying the side view of a cone with two scoops of ice cream on top (labeled Fiori in the table above) on basis of a Comprehension Test, 91.0 % of the responses were classified as correct, and 99.2 % when applying lenient scoring. This image content seems to be almost perfectly comprehensible.


D'source Pictogram Ice Cream by Prof. Ravi Poovaiah, India

Based on the test results available we recommend using a pictogram displaying a side view of a cone with ice cream similar to this example pictogram from D'source (India).

Tests of pictograms of referent Ice Cream

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

See also

Café, Coffee Shop, Refreshments, Restaurant, Bar, Beergarden, Vineyard
Shops, Local Handicrafts


Updated 2025-02-24 by Christoph Brugger