Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Firewood Cutting


Recreation, Tourism, Management

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate the location of firewood


Source Description
Parks Canada Pictogram 6-1-064: Firewood Parks Canada Axe, pile of logs inside containment
U.S. National Park Service Map Symbol, Camping and Picnicking: Firewood U.S. National
Park Service
Axe, pile of logs
National Park Service Icon 278: Firewood Cutting U.S. National
Park Service
Axe placed diagonally, logs on the right, below
Icon 5009368: Firewood by lastspark lastspark Side view of front ends of pile of logs inside containment
Icon 6120986: Firewood by rdesign rdesign Parallel projection of pile of logs


The set of pictograms found for indicating the location of firewood is rather limited, and the second one presented from the U.S. National Park Service in the table above is intended for the message Firewood Cutting. Searching for pictograms online using the search term Firewood yields numerous variants also showing a fire. Such pictograms pose a high risk of being misunderstood.

In our research we did not discover any test data concerning the referent Firewood, so no statement can be made concerning comprehensibility of the pictograms available. We question, whether a differentiation between Firewood and Firewood Cutting can be expected without any specific learning process just from the image content itself. The authors of the Guidelines for the Parks Canada Identity Program from the year 2007 added the status information Text message required for applications of their pictogram.


We suggest to develop additional pictogram variants and to compare all concepts available to identify the best image content. The study design should also include a Comprehension Test to identify possible mis­interpretations. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories should be provided to correctly judge comprehensibility and improve designs. Only on such a basis a clear decision concerning a specific recommendation can be reached.

Tests of pictograms of referent Firewood

No data from research or tests is available in our database.

See also

Campfire, Barbecue, Grill, Picnic Area


Updated 2025-02-07 by Christoph Brugger