Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Coffee Shop

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Coffee Bar, Café, Coffee House, Coffeehouse, Tea Room


Services, Concessions, Commercial Facilities, Travel, Tourism

Message / Function

To indicate the location of a coffee shop or café


Source Description
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Pictogram No 29: Coffee Shop ICAO Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 76, German Airport Authority (ADV): Pictogram Coffee Shop ADV Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 129, Nova Scotia: Pictogram Coffee Shop Nova Scotia Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 119, Transport Canada: Pictogram Coffee Shop TC Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 125: Pictogram Coffee Shop from the Universal and International Exhibition Montreal (Expo 67) Expo 67 Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 82: IATA Pictogram Coffee Shop IATA Side view of cup and saucer
Ota page 186, Alpha Resort Shimucup: Pictogram Cafeteria ARS (Ota) Side view of cup and saucer
D'source Pictogram Coffee or Canteen by Prof. Ravi Poovaiah, India D'source Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 75, Australian Department of Civil Aviation (ADCA): Pictogram Coffee Shop ADCA Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 110, Swedish Standard Recreation Symbols (SSRS): Pictogram Coffee Shop SSRS Side view of cup and saucer
AIGA Symbol Sign No 29: Coffee Shop AIGA Side view of cup and saucer
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI CF 002: Refreshments ISO 7001 Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 94, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Coffee Shop O'72 Side view of cup and saucer
UIC 413 Pictogram B.5.2: Bistro, Café, Bar UIC 413 Side view of cup and saucer
French Traffic Sign CE18 Snack Bar (Débit de boissons ou établissement proposant des collations sommaires ouvert 7 jours sur 7) France IISR Side view of cup and saucer
Eco-Mo Foundation Pictogram C02: Coffee Shop Eco-Mo
Side view of cup and saucer
Tern Pictogram TS2470 Refreshments or Cafeteria Tern Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 80, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport: Pictogram Coffee Shop D/FW Side view of cup and saucer
Smitshuijzen page 346: Pictogram Coffee Shop Smitshuijzen Side view of cup and saucer
Modley page 90: NS 1980 Pictogram Coffee Shop NS 1980 Side view of cup and saucer
Modley page 85, KFAI Sweden: Coffee Shop KFAI Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 90, Summer Olympics Tokyo 1964: Pictogram Coffee Shop O'64 Side view of cup and saucer
Modley & Myers page 118, Tokyo Airport (TA): Pictogram Coffee Shop TA Side view of cup and saucer
Hodson page 230, Museu Blau: Cafeteria by Massana, Martin & Huaman, 2011 Museu Blau Side view of cup in outline, saucer as horizontal line
Abdullah & Hübner page 135, Düsseldorf Airport: Pictogram Coffee Düsseldorf
Side view of cup in outline, saucer below, wavy line above indicating fume/heat
Pictogram Coffee Shop by Bortoletti, Saccenti, Saliani for Iuav University of Venice, Italy IUAV Side view of cup and saucer, S like shape above indicating fume/heat
Pictogram No 50 Cafeteria from Zurich Airport (1978) ZRH 1978 Side view of cup and saucer, curved shape in outline above indicating fume/heat
Pictogram No 42: Bar. Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Side view of cup and saucer, two wavy lines above indicating fume/heat
Café Symbol (isGroup: WAY2GO Internal Wayfinding Signage) WAY2GO Side view of cup and saucer, two vertical wavy lines above
Pictogram IT3-8 Cafetería from Ecuador Ecuador Side view of cup and saucer, two vertical wavy lines above
Pictogram Cafetería from CEAPAT-IMSERSO (Spain) CEAPAT Side view of cup and saucer, three vertical wavy lines above
Abdullah & Hübner page 126, Cologne/Bonn Airport: Pictogram Coffee Shop CGN Side view of cup in outline, two vertical wavy lines above indicating fume/heat
Experience Japan Pictograms: Café, Coffee Shop EJP Side view of cup, three vertical wavy lines above indicating fume/heat
U.S. National Park Service Map Symbol: Coffee Shop NPS Side view of cup, three vertical wavy lines above indicating fume/heat
Modley & Myers page 116, Seattle-Tacoma Airport: Pictogram Coffee Shop S/TA Side view of cup, three vertical wavy lines above indicating fume/heat
Modley & Myers page 92, Summer Olympics Mexico 1968, Pictogram Coffee Shop O'68 Side view of cup, four vertical wavy lines above indicating fume/heat
Pictogram AL003 Cafeteria from Bolivia Bolivia Side view of cup, four vertical wavy lines above indicating fume/heat
Pictogram Coffee Shop by adlerschmidt kommunikationsdesign, Berlin for Land Rheinland Pfalz adlerschmidt Side view of cup in outline, three vertical wavy lines above indicating fume/heat
Modley & Myers page 102, Picto'grafics Pictogram Coffee Shop Picto'grafics Side view of cup
BTA 1989 Page 3.14: Symbol Coffee Shop BTA 1989 Side view of cup
Modley page 109, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (Port) Pictogram Coffee Shop Port Side view of cup
Modley & Myers page 123, Olympic Winter Games 1972 in Sapporo: Pictogram Coffee Shop WO'72 Side view of cup, spoon above, all inside filled circle
Pictogram No 51 Café/Cafeteria from Zurich Airport (1978) ZRH 1978 Parallel projection of slice of fancy cake
Icon No 1149477: Coffee Shop by Adrien Coquet Adrien Coquet Side view of building with door and window, cup with three vertical wavy lines above indicating fume/heat


The collection shown above is a subset of the overlapping messages Refreshments, Buffet, Bistro, Snacks, Coffee Shop, Café with a focus on the latter two referents. While no single visual stereotype can be identified for the more complex referent Refreshments, there seems to exist one for Coffee Shop: the side view of a cup, optionally with saucer or wavy lines above indicating fume/heat. But the number of variations of this theme is almost infinite, ranging from tea cups for example from Japan to very simple coffee cups, as the examples from the table above illustrate.

While there are quite a few test results for Refreshments, data for Coffee Shop is rather limited, but still meeting the requirements for confirming the appropriateness of the main concept:

When Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol showing a side view of cup and saucer similar to the symbol sign of the AIGA symbol set on basis of a Comprehension Test, 83.9 % of the responses were classified as correct when applying lenient scoring.

The AIGA pictogram shown in the table above was one of the symbols examined in a study of way-finding symbols for healthcare facilities conducted in the United Arab Emirates. With 99 % of the answers classified as correct it was excellently understood in a Comprehension Test carried out with a sample consisting mostly of young and well educated respondents (Hashim et al., 2014). On the other hand this pictogram must have reached a comprehension rate between 60 % and 80 % only when tested for comprehensibility in Canada, as this variant does not have the status Retired, but should be accompanied by a supportive text message according to the specifications reported in the Parks Canada Identity Program (2007). No information is available concerning wrong answers registered in the studies that were basis for this classification.


ISO PI CF 002: Refreshments

Based on the test results available and following the recommendations of ISO and AIGA as well as the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, we recommend the use of a pictogram like PI CF 002 of ISO 7001.

Please check also our comments for Refreshments.

Tests of pictograms of referent Coffee Shop

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Hashim, M. J., Alkaabi, M. S., & Bharwani, S. (2014): Interpretation of way-finding healthcare symbols by a multicultural population: navigation signage design for global health. Applied ergonomics, 45(3), 503–509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2013.07.002

Parks Canada (2007): Parks Canada Identity Program: Exterior Signage; Standards and Guidelines - Version 1. March 2007.

See also

Refreshments, Bar, Ice Cream / Ice Cream Parlor, Restaurant
Vending Machine


Updated 2025-02-13 by Christoph Brugger