Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Conference Room

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Conference Rooms, Conference Facilities, Meeting Facilities, Meeting Room, Meeting Space, Event Space, Convention Center


Concessions, Commercial Facilities, Tourism

Message / Function

To indicate the availability of conference facilities or meeting rooms


Source Description
Testdesign Conference Rooms by Scheiber1) Scheiber Seven human figures around a table
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI CF 010: Conference facilities or meeting room ISO 7001 Five human figures around a table
Tern Pictogram TS0790 Conference facility / room Tern Five human figures around a table
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 145 Conference Rooms2) ÖNORM A 3011 Five human figures around a table
Pierce page 115: Pictogram Conference Room, Sala de conferencias Pierce Three human figures around a table
Aicher & Krampen page 136: Pictogram Conference or Meeting Room UoI Four human figures around a table
Abdullah & Hübner page 161: Zurich Airport Pictogram Conference Room Zurich Airport Five human figures at a table
Aicher & Krampen page 147: Pictogram Conference Room Aicher &
Six human figures at a table
Aicher & Krampen page 147: Pictogram Meeting Room Aicher &
Four human figures at a table
UIC 413 Symbol B.3.9 Meeting Room UIC 413 Six human figures at oval table
Hora page 153: Chinese standard GB/T 10001 Pictogram Conference Room CNIS Four human figures at oval table
Pictogram for Meeting Room from an unknown sourcea) Unknown Side view of three human figures at table
SIS Symbol PI OI 016: Conference Room (Möteslokal) SIS Side view of four human figures at table, one standing
Modley & Myers page 99, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Conference Room O'72 Four human figures at round table
Testdesign Conference Rooms by Scheiber3) Scheiber Five human figures at oval table
Modley & Myers page 104, Picto'grafics: Pictogram Conference*) Picto'grafics Seven human figures from above, placed around invisible table
Meeting Room Icon by beguima beguima Plan view of table surrounded by ten chairs
Abdullah & Hübner page 95: Pictogram Conference Room by Kapitzki Kapitzki Six chairs, each in side view, next to plan view of table
Abdullah & Hübner page 95: Pictogram Lecture Hall by Kapitzki Kapitzki Nine chairs, each in side view
Lunger & Scheiber page 228: Symbol Seminar Room from Deutsches Technikmuseum (German Museum of Technology) by GfG DTM Berlin Human figure pointing towards rectangle, two human figures below
Hora page 140: Pictogram Conference Room, Meeting Room HSSS Human figure pointing towards diagram, three human figures below
Hora page 153: Chinese standard GB/T 10001 Pictogram Lecture Hall CNIS Human figure at lectern, three human figures below
BSI 8501 Public Information Symbol No 8072: Conference Facilities BS 8501:2002 Six sitting human figures in rear view, human figure at lectern plus rectangle indicating screen
Traffic Sign from Brazil: TIT-03 Convention Center DER Human figure at table with microphone above three rows of seats
Pictogram IS4-30 Convention Center (Centro de Convenciones) from Ecuador Ecuador Two human figures at table, audience indicated by four human figures and three dots above
Traffic Sign Symbol No 10224: Convention Center (Slovenia) Slovenia 2015 Perspective view of three rows of human figures
Conference Room Symbol (isGroup: WAY2GO Internal Wayfinding Signage) WAY2GO Five human figures reduced to lines, below rectangle open at bottom
Testdesign Conference Rooms by Simlingerb) Simlinger Side view of human figure at lectern, audience indicated by two human figures and dots above
Pictogram Conference Facilities from an unknown source*) Unknown Side view of three human figures in ascending arrangement, facing another human figure
Pictogram Conference Room from an unknown source*) Unknown Side view of three human figures facing another human figure
SWISSTRAFFIC Symbol No 4 - 24: Conference Rooms SWISSTRAFFIC Ellipsis with lines of four dots on each side
Symbol Meeting Room from an unknown source*) Unknown Rectangle surrounded by eight dots
Symbol Conference Room from an unknown source*) Unknown Plan view of traditional class room furnishing
BTA 1989 Page 3.03: Symbol Conference Facilities BTA 1989 Oblique view of book stand or lectern


The collection shown above is only a small selection of the wide variety of pictograms used all over the world to indicate the availability of conference facilities or meeting rooms. There are several general concepts and a multitude of visualizations. It seems there is no real single stereotype to express this message, and possibly the message 'Meeting Room' should be differentiated from 'Conference Facilities / Convention Center'.

A few studies present research covering several pictogram variants used to indicate the availability of conference facilities or meeting rooms. Even though these papers are from just one country, they offer some useful information:

In studies sponsored by the Austrian Railways and the Austrian Standards Institute (Brugger, 1995 a and 1995 b) ten pictograms of the table above were examined using the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure. Especially the variants marked with *) were judged as rather incomprehensable with mean and median estimation values below 20. Pictogram variants showing persons at or around a table reached highest judgement scores. Verbal comments of respondents indicated that some interpreted the pictogram labeled a) as people playing a card game or sitting at a gaming table, and that the design labeled b), which was provided for the test by Simlinger, elicited strong associations with 'Lecture', 'Lecture hall', and the like.

In a follow-up Comprehension Tests the three variants marked 1) to 3), all new designs drawn by Scheiber for this project, were examined (Brugger, 1995 c). While the variants marked 1) and 2) performed well, the pictogram marked 3) was misinterpreted as escalator by two thirds of the respondents due to the ambiguous portion of the oval table shown. The pictogram marked 2) and labeled as ÖNORM A 3011 elicited about 80 % correct responses.


Tern Pictogram TS0790 Conference Facility / Room

Based on the test results known, we recommend the use of pictogram TS0790 Conference Facility / Room, an improved version of the corresponding public information symbols from ISO 7001 and ÖNORM A 3011, to indicate the availability of conference facilities or meeting rooms.

Furthermore we suggest to conduct studies comparing this symbol conforming ISO recommendations with concepts used in the pictograms available from Simlinger and the Chinese standard GB/T 10001, Public Information Graphical Symbols, labeled CNIS in the table above, also among persons who have already taken part in a conference, and to clarify whether the message 'Meeting Room' or 'Meeting Space' should be differentiated from 'Conference Facilities' or 'Event Space'.

Tests of pictograms of referent Conference Room

Brugger, Ch. (1995 a): ÖBB / ON Testserie 1995, Teil 1 Verständnisschätzungen nach ISO 9186. Report to ÖBB GD 02 (Austrian Railways) dated January 1995, Vienna.

Brugger, Ch. (1995 b): ÖBB / ON Testserie 1995, Teil 2 Verständnisschätzungen nach ISO 9186. Report to ÖBB GD 02 (Austrian Railways) dated February 1995, Vienna.

Brugger, Ch. (1995 c): Verständnistest 1995 - Im Auftrag der ÖBB und des ON - FNA 133. Vienna, November 1995.

See also

Books and Magazines, Library, Cinema
Café, Coffee Shop, Refreshments


Updated 2024-12-28 by Ch.Brugger