Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Motor Racing

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Motor Racing Track, Motor Racing Facility, Racetrack, Racing Circuit, Motor Sports, Automotive Sports, Autodrome, Speedway


Sports, Sporting Activities, Activities, Tourism

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate the location of facilities for motor racing


Source Description
Pictogram No 147: Motor Racing Track (Autódromo). Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Frontal view of race car with driver and rear wing, horizontal checkered stripe below
Pictogram Motor Sports from an unknown source1) Unknown Frontal view of race car with driver
BTA 1989 Page 3.16: Symbol Motor Racing BTA 1989 Frontal view of race car with driver
Pictogram Motor Sports from an unknown source2) Unknown Frontal view of race car
Icon No 376311: Race Car Free Icons Library Frontal view of race car
Otl Aicher Pictograms No 725: Motor Sports OAP Frontal view of race car with driver and rear wing
Pictogram No 5.5: Racing Circuit (Autódromo) from Portugal GSR Portugal Frontal view of race car with rear wing
Pictogram IS4-3 Racing Circuit (Autódromo) from Ecuador Ecuador Side view of race car on horizontal base
Pictogram SIT-17: Racing Circuit (Autódromo) from Mexico City MDCT Side view of race car with driver
Fiori: Map Symbol Motor Racing Track Fiori R Side view of race car, compressed horizontally
Hora page 162, CNIS: Pictogram Automotive Sports CNIS Side view of sports car with rear wing or spoiler
Pictogram Motor Sports from an unknown source3) Unknown Side view of go-kart with driver
Hora page 162, CNIS: Pictogram Go-Karting CNIS Side view of go-kart with driver
Pictogram Pict-82: Karting Center (Centre de karting) from Québec Québec Side view of go-kart with driver
Hora page 162, CNIS: Pictogram Motorcycle CNIS Side view of motorcycle with driver
Icon No 5298959: Motorcycle by JackVisualAssets JackVisualAssets Side view of motorcycle
Pictogram RT006 Racing Circuit (Autódromo) from Bolivia Bolivia Two chequered flags, crossed, with front view of car below
SADC Guidance Sign GFS A5-2: Motor Racing Track from South Africa SADC Side view of full face helmet in front of chequered flag
Pictogram Motor Sports from an unknown source7) Unknown Two chequered flags, crossed, poles end inside side view of wheel
Pictogram Pict-05: Speedway (Autodrome) from Québec Québec Two chequered flags, crossed
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 9073 Motor Sport BS 8501:2002 Chequered flag
Hora page 332, United Kingdom Department for Transport: Map Symbol Motor Sports UKDT Chequered flag
Pictogram Motor Sports from Catalunya Catalunya Chequered flag
Pictogram No 128: Racetrack (Circuito de Carreras) from Aragón Aragón Chequered flag
Traffic Sign from Brazil: TAD-03 Automotive Sports (Esportes automobilísticos) DER Chequered flag
Pictogram Motor Sports from an unknown source4) Unknown Chequered flag placed diagonally
Icon No 3189883: Finish Flag by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Chequered flag
Pictogram Motor Sports from an unknown source5) Unknown Helmet and goggles below
Icon No 1942050: Motor Racing by Yo! Baba Yo! Baba Side view of full face helmet
Hora page 328, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Map Symbol: Racetrack USGS Oval track in outline

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


While automotive related pictograms seem to be in the foreground, motor racing covers more types of motor sports like off-road racing, drag racing, rallying and many others. Therefore the range of pictograms shown in the table above gives an incomplete picture of the diversity of variants and image contents possibly available to indicate the location of facilities for motor racing. Examples found also reflect changes of the appearance of race cars over time. While no single visual stereotype can be identified, variants showing a chequered flag might be the best representation for all different kinds of motor sports.

Data from tests is rather limited:

Gehringer (1976) examined the seven pictogram variants for the referent Motor Sports Facility in an Appropriateness Ranking Test. This study also included a variant showing a go-kart, but for example no motorcycle racing related pictograms. Pictograms showing a frontal view of a race car were judged as most appropriate. The numbers 1) to 7) represent the final rank order of the symbols tested.

Fiori (2008) explored a map symbol showing a side view of race car that is labeled Fiori R in the table above. Classifying answers from a Comprehension Test for the referent Autódromo / Cartódromo, only 57.8 % of the responses were judged as correct. Answers reported are manyfold, but these all seem to be related to Motor Racing: besides Formula 1 and Motor Sports responses were among others Racetrack, Motor Race and Cart. No detailed information about the response class assignments are available for this study.


As no information is available on comprehensibility of some of the concepts shown, we suggest conducting a Comprehension Test for several pictogram variants, and also including image contents like the checkered flag, which would not be restricted to a specific kind of motor racing. To correctly judge the appropriateness of the symbols tested, information about the degree of familiarity with motor sports should be obtained, too.

Tests of pictograms of referent Motor Racing

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Gehringer, J. (1976): Reihungstest über 8 Begriffe aus dem Sportwesen - Priorität II. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated February 1976, Vienna.

See also



Updated 2025-02-09 by Christoph Brugger