Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Jacket Wrestling


Sports, Combat Sports, Fighting Sport, Sporting Activities, Activities

Message / Function

To indicate the discipline judo and locations of corresponding facilities


Source Description
Abdullah & Hübner page 72, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Judo O'72 Two judoka grappling in a clinch, wearing judogi, both judogi in outline
Abdullah & Hübner page 75, Summer Olympics Moscow 1980: Pictogram Judo O'80 Two human figures in side view, one attempting a throw
Abdullah & Hübner page 82, Summer Olympics Atlanta 1996: Pictogram Judo O'96 Two judoka performing a throwing technique
Icon No 3195572: Judo by Adrien Coquet Adrien Coquet Two judoka performing a throwing technique
Ota page 256, Summer Olympics Seoul 1988: Pictogram Judo O'88 Two human figures performing a throwing technique
Hora page 162, CNIS: Pictogram Judo CNIS Two human figures performing a throwing technique
Summer Olympics Tokyo 2021: Pictogram Judo O'21 Two judoka performing a throwing technique
Pictogram Judo (Vienna, BfS) Wien BfS Two human figures performing a throwing technique
Sagamihara Map Symbol: Judo Sagamihara Two human figures performing a throwing technique
Abdullah & Hübner page 69, Summer Olympics Tokyo 1964: Pictogram Judo O'64 Frontal view of upper part of human figure wearing judogi (kimono-like jacket with belt)
Icon No 7287445: Judo by murmur murmur Frontal view of kimono-like jacket with belt
Summer Olympics Paris 2024: Pictogram Judo O'24 Diagonal lines separating black and white kimono-like jackets with belts, lines indicating the mat

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


Image contents found most often show two judoka either attempting or performing a throwing technique. Besides these several pictograms focus on the traditional uniforms, especially the kimono-like jackets used for practicing Judo.

We could not find any test data concerning graphic symbols for Judo in our database, so we cannot present specific information concerning comprehensibility or some other parameters for one or several of the pictograms presented above. Designing pictograms for Judo one should regard similarities and possible confusions with Wrestling and therefore focus on characteristic aspects of Judo.


Due to the fact that data from research is missing, we recommend to start testing using the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure for eliminating poor variants and identifying the best of the set available, followed by a Comprehension Test. These studies should deliver useful data for recommending the best pictogram. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories of the Comprehension Test should be provided to correctly judge comprehen­sibility and improve designs. Also information concerning knowledge about this kind of sport should be collected at the end of the test, as the degree of familiarity with the referent examined has a significant impact on the validity of the data collected.

Tests of pictograms of referent Judo

No data from research or tests is available in our database.

See also



Updated 2025-02-01 by Ch.Brugger