Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Dance, Dance Hall, Ball, Ballroom, Discoteque, Dance Sport


Sports, Activities, Public Facilities, Concessions, Recreation, Tourism

Message / Function

For notice in general and to show the location of a place to dance


Source Description
Hora page 162, CNIS: Pictogram Dance Sport CNIS Male and female figure, dancing in closed position
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI CF 021 Dance hall or ballroom ISO 7001 Male and female figure (in outline), dancing in closed position
Pierce page 62: Pictogram Dancing (Sala de baile) Pierce Male and female figure (partially in outline), dancing in closed position
Pictogram IT3-10 Discoteque, Discoteca (Ecuador) Ecuador Male and female figure (partially in outline), dancing in closed position
BTA 1989 Page 3.09: Symbol Dance Hall BTA 1989 Male and female figure (partially in outline), dancing in closed position
Aicher & Krampen page 146: Pictogram Dancing Room Aicher &
Male and female figure (partially in outline), dancing in closed position
Pictogram SIT-58: Dancing, Ball (Baile) from Mexico City MDCT Male and female figure, dancing in closed position, two eighth notes
Italian Traffic Sign FIGURA II 197 ART. 125: Discoteque (Discoteca) SVI Male and female figure, dancing in closed position inside ellipsis on ground
Modley & Myers page 106, Picto'grafics Pictogram Discotheque, Dancing Picto'grafics Male and female figure dancing
Pictogram EF003 Dancing or Ball (Danzas y Bailes) from Bolivia Bolivia Male and female figure dancing arm raised, one holding hat
Pictogram ST-Esp 05 Discoteque/Night Club (Discoteca) from Peru Peru MST Male and female figure dancing, moon, two eighth notes
Hora page 142, Hospitality Symbol Signs System: Night Club, Dancing HSSS Male and female figure dancing, two eighth notes
Pictogram ST-Esp 01 Discoteque/Night Club (Discoteca/ Night Club) from Peru 2016 Peru 2016 Male and female figure dancing, two eighth notes
Icon No 900764: Dancing by Darrin Loeliger Darrin Loeliger Human figure dancing, eighth note on the right
Icon No 3189720: Dancing by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Human figure dancing, eighth note on the left
Icon No 3189737: Dancing by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Female figure dancing, eighth note on the right
BfS Vienna Pictogram Dancing (Tanzen) Wien BfS Human figure dancing
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 8063: Entertainment/Nightclub BS 8501:2002 Two eighth notes
BTA 1989 Page 3.17: Symbol Night Club BTA 1989 Frontal view of top hat


The range of pictograms shown in the table above gives a good hint of the image contents used to signify Dancing. No single visual stereotype can be identified, but images showing a male and a female figure dancing in closed position seem to be most common.

Data from tests is rather limited and also insufficient:

Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol similar to the pictogram labeled as Aicher & Krampen in the table above. 56.2 % of the responses in a Comprehension Test were classified as correct, indicating that the message intended was not understood well enough according to ISO conventions. Answers listed in the paper are for example Dance, Dance Floor, Party, Ball, Night Club, Club, Discoteque, but information about how these were classified is missing. So depending on the type of scoring comprehensibility also might be higher than indicated.


We suggest to study more pictograms than the one tested in the paper available, including all basic concepts shown above and at least one improved redesign based on the variants shown at the top of the table. Such a project should also include a Comprehension Test to identify possible mis­interpretations and to improve designs. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories of the Comprehension Test should be provided to correctly judge comprehen­sibility. Only on such a basis a clear decision concerning a specific recommendation can be reached.

Tests of pictograms of referent Dancing

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

See also

Amusement Park, Bar, Casino


Updated 2025-01-12 by Ch.Brugger