Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Icestocksport, Ice Stock Sport, Bavarian Curling, Indoor Ball Shooting


Sports, Winter Sports, Sporting Activities, Activities, Recreation, Tourism

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate the location of facilities for curling or icestocksport


Source Description
Modley & Myers page 106, Picto'grafics Pictogram Curling Picto'grafics Frontal view of standing human figure holding broom, slide stone on the bottom
Erco Pictogram No 687: Curling Erco Side view of human figure placing slide stone on the ground
Pictogram Icesports used by VfL Munderkingen VfL Munderkingen Side view of human figure with broom placing slide stone on the ground
SIS Pictogram PI SF 010 - Curling SIS Side view of human figure just before releasing slide stone
Modley & Myers page 112, Swedish Standard Recreation Symbols (SSRS): Pictogram Curling SSRS Side view of two slide stones with differing size
SWISSTRAFFIC Pictogram No 8-5: Curling SWISSTRAFFIC Side view of slide stone

Bavarian Curling, Icestocksport

Pictogram Bavarian Curling from an unknown source3) Unknown Side view of human figure swinging ice stock
ÖNORM A 3011 Public Information Symbol No 155: Icestocksport ÖNORM A 3011 Side view of human figure swinging ice stock
Otl Aicher Pictogram No 688: Bavarian Curling (Eisstockschießen)4) Aicher OAP Side view of human figure just after releasing ice stock
Pictogram Icesport used by VfL Munderkingen VfL Munderkingen Side view of human figure just after releasing ice stock
Otl Aicher Pictogram No 699: Indoor Ball Shooting Aicher OAP Side view of human figure just after releasing ice stock
Pictogram Bavarian Curling from an unknown source2) Unknown Side view of two ice stocks with several details like body and sole, "Daube", ice in white, background above black
Pictogram Bavarian Curling from an unknown source1) Unknown Side view of ice stock
Pictogram Bavarian Curling from an unknown source5) Unknown Side view of ice stock

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


The table above includes pictograms concerning Curling, but also Icestocksport resp. Bavarian Curling (Eisstockschießen in German) and Indoor Ball Shooting (Hallenbosseln in German). To keep these different kinds of acivities separate, we have split the table accordingly. Image contents include human figures practicing these sports as well as the specific equipment used. Renderings show a varying amount of details.

Research data concerning pictograms for Curling or Bavarian Curling is rather limited in our database:

Gehringer (1976) examined the five pictogram variants for the referent Bavarian Curling or Icestocksport in an Appropriateness Ranking Test. The numbers 1) to 5) represent the final rank order of the pictograms reviewed in this study. Rankings of the pictograms 1) to 4) were rather close together and probably did not differ signifi­cantly. Unfortunately the sources of these variants were not named in the report available.


Due to the fact that practically no data concerning comprehensibility of pictogram variants is available, we recommend to collect more pictograms and also to clarify whether Curling and Bavarian Curling or Icestock­sport should be treated as separate referents. Then research should be conducted using the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure for eliminating poor variants and identifying the best of the set available, followed by a Comprehension Test. These studies should deliver useful data for recommending one or several pictograms. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories of the Comprehension Test should be provided to correctly judge comprehensibility and improve designs. This study should also include data concerning familiarity with Curling or Icestocksport.

Tests of pictograms of referent Curling and Icestocksport

Gehringer, J. (1976): Reihungstest über 8 Begriffe aus dem Sportwesen - Priorität II. Report to the Austrian Standards Institute (ON) dated February 1976, Vienna.

See also

Bowling, Boccia or Boules
Ice Skating


Updated 2025-01-05 by Ch.Brugger