Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Canoe, Kayaking, Kayak


Sports, Water Based Activities, Water Sports, Sporting Activities, Activities, Leisure Activities, Recreation, Tourism

Message / Function

For notice in general and to signify the activity of canoeing/kayaking, and to indicate a location where canoeing/kayaking is permitted


Source Description
Old NPS Map Symbol for Canoeing (Pre 2006) NPS Side view of canoe with two human figures, water shown as wavy contour
Pierce, T. (1996): The International Pictograms Standard, page 135: Pictogram Canoeing, Canoas Pierce Side view of front part of a canoe with human figure, water shown as wavy line
Parks Canada Pictogram 6-4-214 Canoeing Parks Canada Side view of front part of a canoe, human figure with single-bladed paddle, water shown as wavy line
Pictogram Pict-12: Canoeing (Canot) from Québec Québec Side view of front part of a canoe, human figure with single-bladed paddle, water shown as wavy line/contour
SIS Pictogram PI SF 029: Paddling SIS Side view of human figure in canoe, water shown as two wavy lines
Modley & Myers page 130, Nova Scotia: Pictogram Canoeing Nova Scotia Side view of canoe in water shown as three wavy lines
Abdullah & Hübner page 73, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Canoe O'72 Side view of human figure with single-bladed paddle above horizontal line
Summer Olympics Paris 2024: Pictogram Canoeing Slalom O'24 Plan view of canoe with single-bladed paddle, several parallel wavy lines, two dashed lines

Canoeing/Kayaking: Double-bladed Paddle

Pictogram AcT-12 Canoeing from Peru Peru MST Side view of front part of a canoe, human figure with double-bladed paddle, water shown as two wavy lines
Pictogram No 20: Canoeing (Canoagem) from Portugal GSR Portugal Side view of front part of a canoe, human figure with double-bladed paddle
Pictogram ACT- P 06 Canoeing (Paseo en Lancha, Canoa o Embarcaciones Artesanales) from Peru Peru 2016 Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as two wavy lines
NZS 8603 Outdoor Recreation Symbol No 23: Canoeing NZS 8603 Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as two wavy lines
Abdullah & Hübner page 74, Summer Olympics Moscow 1980: Pictogram Canoe O'80 Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as wavy contour
Icon No 109539: Canoeing by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as wavy line
Sagamihara Map Symbol: Canoeing Sagamihara Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as wavy line
Pictogram IS3-10 Kayak from Ecuador Ecuador Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as two wavy lines
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 9009: Canoeing BS 8501:2002 Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as two wavy lines
Hora page 163: CNIS Pictogram Canoe, Kayak CNIS Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as two wavy lines
Traffic Sign from Brazil: TAD-08 Canoeing (Canoagem) DER Side view of a human figure kayaking, water shown as two wavy lines
Abdullah & Hübner page 72, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Canoe O'72 Side view of human figure with double-bladed paddle sitting on horizontal line, five wavy lines below
Pictogram No 84: Kayak from Aragón Aragón Side view of human figure with double-bladed paddle sitting on horizontal line, wavy line below
Abdullah & Hübner page 69, Summer Olympics Tokyo 1964: Pictogram Canoe O'64 Side view of human figure with double-bladed paddle sitting on horizontal line
Hora page 331, United Kingdom Forestry Commission: Map Symbol Canoeing UKFC Human figure with double-bladed paddle sitting in kayak
Parks Canada Pictogram 6-4-215: Kayaking Parks Canada Plan view of kayak with double-bladed paddle
Summer Olympics Paris 2024: Pictogram Canoeing Sprint O'24 Plan view of kayak with double-bladed paddle, several parallel lines
Abdullah & Hübner page 70, Summer Olympics Mexico 1968, Pictogram Canoe O'68 Double-bladed paddle plus water shown as three wavy lines

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


While the original activity of Canoeing involves paddling a canoe with a single-bladed paddle only, in some regions also Kayaking is subsumed when using the term Canoeing: 'In British English, the kayak is considered to be a kind of canoe. While technically understandable, in the North American sense this is not the case' (Wikipedia, 2023-12-19). The collection above reflects this consolidation, as several pictograms found for Canoeing in fact are renderings of a kayak or a person kayaking. To keep these different kinds of acivities separate, we have split the table accordingly.

In our research we discovered that there is only very limited test data available for the referent Canoeing:

Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol showing a side view of a human figure kayaking and water shown as wavy line similar to the Brazilian traffic sign labeled as DER in the table above, using a Comprehension Test conducted in Brazil. Only 47.8 % of the responses were classified as correct. Among the 38.5 % wrong answers interpretations like Fishing, Rowing, Windsurfing, Yachting, and Regatta were found. We assume that some of the responses were done quickly and did not express the meaning in an exact manner, so real comprehension rate should probably be significantly higher.

Furthermore there is some information concerning comprehensibility available for the pictogram of the Parks Canada Identity Program (2007): since all pictograms that failed comprehension testing in Canada have been retired from use there, the Parks Canada pictogram No 6-4-214: Canoeing displayed above must have reached a comprehension rate of 80 % or higher, as this variant does not have the status Retired and does not have to be accompanied by a supportive text message.


Due to the limited data available and insufficient knowledge of relevant factors, we recommend conducting an exact analysis of the communication needs and possible user groups of this information. On such a basis research using the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure and Comprehension Tests will deliver useful data for recommending one or several pictograms. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories should be provided to correctly judge comprehensibility and improve designs.

Tests of pictograms of referent Canoeing

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Parks Canada (2007): Parks Canada Identity Program: Exterior Signage; Standards and Guidelines - Version 1. March 2007.

See also

Rowing, Rafting
Boat Launch


Updated 2025-01-17 by Ch.Brugger