Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used



Heritage Attractions, Tourism

Message / Function

To indicate the location of a lighthouse


Source Description
Pictogram No 77: Lighthouse (Faro). Argentina Señalética Turística Nacional 2006, by Cánovas Eduardo Argentina
Side view of lighthouse in water indicated by two wavy lines, six lines indicating light beams
BTA 1989 Page 3.15: Symbol Lighthouse BTA 1989 Side view of lighthouse on irregular shape as base, six lines indicating light beams
BS 8501 Public Information Symbol No 8051: Lighthouse BS 8501:2002 Side view of lighthouse on irregular shape as base, six lines indicating light beams
Pictogram No Pict-61: Lighthouse (Phare) from Québec Québec Side view of lighthouse with door, on base, six lines indicating light beams
Traffic Sign from Brazil: THC-09 — Lighthouse (Farol) DER Side view of lighthouse with four light beams
Pictogram No 19 Lighthouse (Cabo) from Portugal GSR Portugal Side view of lighthouse, four lines indicating light beams
Lighthouse Fiori R Side view of lighthouse on solid base, four lines indicating light beams
Pictogram Lighthouse (Faro) from Galicia Galicia Side view of lighthouse on flat base, two light beams
U.S. National Park Service Map Symbol: Park Sites: Lighthouse U.S. National
Park Service
Side view of lighthouse, two light beams
Parks Canada Pictogram 6-1-058: Lighthouse Parks Canada Side view of lighthouse, two light beams
Icon No 112362: Lighthouse by Dutchicon (Iconfinder) Dutchicon Side view of lighthouse, light beam and two openings in one direction
Pictogram GFS A8-3 Light House from South Africa SADC Side view of lighthouse, light beam towards left
Old NPS Map Symbol: Lighthouse NPS Side view of lighthouse with door on flat base
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Map Symbol: Lighthouse USGS Side view of lighthouse with door on flat base
Modley & Myers page 130, Nova Scotia: Pictogram Lighthouse Nova Scotia Side view of lighthouse in water shown as three wavy lines
Map Symbol: Lighthouse from: Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie BSH Five-pointed filled star, yellow lightbeam
Japanese Map Symbol: Lighthouse ARIB Circle with dot at center, radial lines outside in 45° steps

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


Pictograms found generally show a side view of lighthouse, sometimes in combination with a door or some other elements, but in many cases with one or two light beams. Disregarding the more abstract map symbols one could identify this as a visual stereotype for the intended message.

In our research we discovered that there is only very limited test data available for the referent Lighthouse:

Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol for Lighthouse, labeled Fiori R in the table above. 80.9 % of the responses in a Comprehension Test were classified as correct. Wrong answers were Port and Rocket for example.

Neves (2012) examined two variants very similar to the pictogram labeled GSR Portugal in the table above on basis of the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure, where these reached almost identical mean values of 69.1 and 70.9.

The results mentioned indicate that most existing pictorial variants probably are understood well enough, but there still is room for improvement. No comprehension data is available for the abstract map symbols at the bottom of the table above.


We suggest to develop additional pictogram variants, some also including water on one side. Then studies comparing several or all concepts should be conducted. The study design should also include a Comprehension Test to identify possible mis­interpretations and to improve designs. Only on such a basis a clear decision concerning a specific recommendation can be reached.

Tests of pictograms of referent Lighthouse

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Neves, J. (2012): Sistema de signos para informação turística: Metodologia para o desenvolvimento de sistemas sinaléticos. Tese de Doutorado - Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura.

See also

Port, Marina, Anchorage, Mooring, Beach


Updated 2025-02-06 by Christoph Brugger