Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Car Wash

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Motor Car Wash, Car Cleaning, Fast Wash


Guidance and Information, Concessions, Transportation

Message / Function

To indicate the location of a car wash


Source Description
Abdullah & Hübner page 93: Fast Wash by Kapitzki Kapitzki Side view of two cars, one in outline, partially underneath shower head with water indicated by lines, two arrows pointing in driving direction
Parks Canada Pictogram 6-2-012: Car Wash Parks Canada Side view of car underneath horizontal line and trapezoid as water source, with water indicated by lines of dots
Sign No 36494835: Car Wash by T.Michel Michel Side view of car underneath horizontal line and trapezoid as water source, with water indicated by lines of dots
Dreyfuss page 65: Car Wash Dreyfuss Front view of car showing several details underneath shower head with water indicated by lines of dots
Hora page 158: CNIS Pictogram Car Cleaning CNIS Front view of car underneath shower head with water indicated by lines of dots
Car Wash Icon from Set 570749377 from Shutterstock.com Shutterstock.com Front view of car showing several details underneath shower head with water indicated by lines of drops
SADC Guidance Sign GFS D1-23 Motor Car Wash from South Africa SADC Front view of car showing several details underneath shower head with water indicated by lines of dots
Traffic Sign Symbol No 10415: Car Wash (Slovenia 2015) Slovenia 2015 Front view of car showing several details underneath shower head with water indicated by several lines
Modley page 97, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Car Wash O'72 Front view of car in stream of drops indicated by lines of dots
Map Symbol: Car Wash (freizeitkarte osm.de) freizeitkarte osm.de Front view of car in stream of drops indicated by three lines
SOCAR: Pictogram Car Wash (2025) SOCAR Front view of car, two drops of water on top, parallel lines on both sides indicating brushes
Otl Aicher, Pictogram No 130: Car Wash Aicher OAP Front view of car with brushes indicated by parallel lines, on both sides and above
Pictogram Car Wash (Lavado) from Galicia, Spain Galicia Front view of car with brushes indicated by parallel lines, on both sides and above
Icon 187433377: Car Wash by Mark Rademaker Mark Rademaker Front view of car with brushes indicated by zigzag lines, on both sides and above
Modley & Myers page 115, Swedish Standard Recreation Symbols (SSRS): Pictogram Car Wash SSRS Side view of human figure washing car (in front view) also indicated by large drops of water, bucket in foreground


Pictograms found frequently show a car underneath shower head with water indicated either by lines of dots or drops. The second most common concept is based on a car between several brushes. Most renderings are based on displaying a car in front view.

In our research we did not discover any test data on comprehensibility of pictograms used to indicate the location of a car wash, but we have the impression that most variants could be well comprehensible. This is confirmed by the fact that the Parks Canada pictogram No 6-2-012: Car Wash displayed above neither has the status Retired, nor has to be accompanied by a supportive text message. According to the information presented in the Parks Canada Identity Program (2007) it should therefore have reached a comprehension rate of 80 % or higher in the Parks Canada research program.


As no detailed data is available on comprehensibility of the pictograms available to indicate the location of a car wash, we suggest to start testing using the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure for eliminating poor variants and identifying the best of the set available, followed by a Comprehension Test. These studies should deliver useful data for recommending the best pictogram. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories of the Comprehension Test should be provided to correctly judge comprehen­sibility and improve designs.

Tests of pictograms of referent Car Wash

Parks Canada (2007): Parks Canada Identity Program: Exterior Signage; Standards and Guidelines - Version 1. March 2007.

See also

Gasoline Station, Filling Station, Repair Shop
Parking, Parking Garage


Updated 2025-02-10 by Christoph Brugger