Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Zoological Garden


Public Facilities, Tourism, Heritage Attractions, Natural Attractions, Entertainment

Message / Function

To indicate the location of a public zoo


Source Description
Abdullah & Hübner page 134, Düsseldorf Airport: Pictogram Zoo Düsseldorf
Silhouette of the upper part of a giraffe, fence below, word ZOO on the left
Traffic Sign No 199: Zoo (Italy) SVI Side view of zebra in front of silhouette of a giraffe
Pictogram No Pict-49: Zoo (Jardin zoologique) from Québec Québec Clipped view of bear and giraffe
Hora page 152: CNIS Pictogram Zoo CNIS Side views of monkey and deer
SWISSTRAFFIC Pictogram No 8-42: Zoological Garden SWISSTRAFFIC Side view of deer, fence
Traffic Sign No 11 from Portugal: Zoo GSR Portugal Side view of elephant
Hora page 332, United Kingdom Department for Transport: Map Symbol Zoo UKDT Side view of elephant
Traffic Sign from Brazil: TIT-05 Zoo (Zoológico) DER Side view of elephant
Pictogram SIT-56: Zoo (Zoológico) from Mexico City MDCT Side view of elephant
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI TC 007: Zoo ISO 7001 Silhouette of an elephant
BTA 1989 Page 3.25: Symbol Zoo BTA 1989 Silhouette of an elephant
WTO page 78: Zoo (Iraq) WTO-Iraq Side view of bear
WTO page 78: Zoo (Argentina) WTO-Argentina Side view of lion
Zoo Logo (Washington) by Lance Wyman Lance Wyman Head of eagle and chick
Experience Japan Pictograms: Zoo (DŌBUTSUEN) EJP Footprint of animal

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


The set of symbols above already indicates that no single visual stereotype exists concerning the message Zoo or Zoological Garden. Designs range from all kinds of renderings of elephants and a few other species, various animals behind a fence, concepts with the additional text ZOO, to solutions showing footprints of animals.

In our research we noticed that there is only very limited test data available:

When Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol almost identical with the version labled DER in the table above, 64.3 % of the responses were classified as correct. 9.7 % of the participants answered with Elephant. Wrong answers registered were among others: Circus, Wild Animal, and Safari.

Neves (2012) examined three pictograms - all showing side views or silhouettes of elephants with varying degree of detail - on basis of the Comprehensibility Estimation procedure, where the best variant reached a mean value of 83.8 and the others 75.6 and 73.4, indicating this image content might be comprehensible enough.

In some countries (e.g. South Africa) pictograms displaying a single animal like an elephant, lion, or a rhinoceros are used to indicate the location of a park for this kind of animals: Elephant Park, Lion Park, and so on. Thefeore it might be unwise to show just one single species.


We suggest to develop additional pictogram variants, including designs showing more than one species like the Chinese variant (CNIS), the pictogram used in Québec, and the traffic sign from Italy (SVI). Then studies comparing several or all concepts should be conducted. The study design should also include a Comprehension Test to identify possible mis­interpretations. Detailed information about the most frequent responses given in each of the response categories must be supplied for each pictogram variant tested to correctly judge comprehensibility and improve designs, if necessary. On such a basis a clear decision concerning a specific recommendation can be reached.

Tests of pictograms of referent Zoo

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Neves, J. (2012): Sistema de signos para informação turística: Metodologia para o desenvolvimento de sistemas sinaléticos. Tese de Doutorado - Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura.

See also

Aquarium, NatureReserve, Park
No Animals


Updated 2025-01-14 by Ch.Brugger