Synonyms / Other Terms Used
Toilets, Public Toilets, Restroom, Restrooms, Public Convenience, Public Lavatory, Sanitary Rooms, Sanitary Facilities, Water Closet, Latrine
Public Facilities, Services, Travel, Tourism
Message / Function
To indicate the location of a public toilet for males or females
Source | Description | |
Dreyfuss | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures separated by washing stand and mirror | |
Rosa & Diaz | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures separated by vertical bar | |
AIGA | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures separated by vertical bar | |
Avanti LID | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures separated by vertical bar | |
Eco-Mo Foundation |
Frontal view of standing female and male human figures separated by vertical bar | |
IUAV | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures separated by vertical bar | |
Handbuch | Contours of standing male and female human figures separated by vertical bar | |
O'72 | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures separated by vertical line | |
Avanti PUM | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures separated by vertical line | |
TC | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures separated by thin vertical line | |
Transantiago | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures separated by vertical dotted line | |
O'64 | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures | |
Ota | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures | |
Port | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures | |
Zurich Airport | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures | |
ISO 7001 | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures | |
LVA | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures | |
Les Menuires | Frontal view of standing female and male human figures | |
Museu Blau | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures | |
Signbox | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures | |
DTM Berlin | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures | |
TA | Frontal view of standing male and female human figures | |
Unknown | Downward-pointing and upward-pointing triangles, each with filled circle above | |
WAY2GO | Several lines indicating standing female and male human figures | |
Rosenbaum | Letters X Y, each with filled circle above | |
Mijksenaar 2021 | Frontal view of standing human figure, half female and male | |
HSSS | Frontal view of standing human figure, half male and female | |
Mijksenaar 2021 | Frontal view of three standing human figures: male, female, and half male and female | |
Mijksenaar 2021 | Symbolic rendering of three standing human figures made from circles and triangles | |
ISO 7001:1990 | Front perspecive of toilet bowl showing seat and lid | |
Icograda | Front perspecive of toilet bowl showing seat and lid | |
Mijksenaar 2021 | Front perspecive of toilet bowl showing seat and cistern | |
Wikipedia | Front perspecive of toilet bowl showing seat and cistern | |
MIC | Frontal view of toilet bowl showing seat with lid and cistern in outline | |
U.S. National Park Service |
Side view of toilet bowl showing seat plus cistern with drop of water | |
SIS | Side view of toilet bowl showing seat plus cistern | |
Mijksenaar 2021 | Side view of toilet bowl showing seat plus cistern | |
TOTO | Side view of Japanese squat toilet | |
D'source | Plan view of squat toilet | |
Gaul | Dotted line indicating water, ending on top of hand | |
Mijksenaar 2021 | Toilet paper roll, perforation as dashed line | |
Mijksenaar 2021 | Symbol formed from infinity symbol and biology symbols for male and female and circle in the center | |
Boswell | Biology symbols for male and female together plus both rotated and merged | |
ÖNORM A 3011 |
Text WC |
Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.
The examples shown above are only a small selection from the wide range of pictograms and symbols used to indicate the location of a public toilet. There are hundreds of variations based on depicting males and females, but we included just a few to illustrate different concepts. A few more examples of renderings of persons used for signifying toilets can be found in the related collections Female and Male. We also included several variants regarding non-binary restroom signage from the research published by Mijksenaar (2021).
There are several issues to regard when selecting a pictogram for Toilet:
So it seems there is no perfect way to communicate this message without regional or cultural obstacles.
Regarding test results available and following the European Agreement of the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, we recommend a symbol based on the text WC in Latin script. It bypasses all gender related issues, and in the long term it might become a conventional symbol that people from all countries eventually learn to recognize.
Tests of pictograms of referent Toilet
Easterby, R.S. & Graydon, I.R. (1981): Evaluation of Public Information Symbols: ISO Test: 1979/80 Series. Part I: Appropriateness Ranking Tests. AP Report 99, Applied Psychology Department, University of Aston in Birmingham, January 1981.
Easterby, R.S. & Graydon, I.R. (1981): Evaluation of Public Information Symbols: ISO 1979/80 Test Series. Part II: Comprehension/Recognition Tests. AP Report 100, Applied Psychology Department, University of Aston in Birmingham, January 1981.
Easterby, R.S. & Zwaga, H.J.G. (1976): Evaluation of Public Information Symbols, ISO Tests: 1975 Series. AP Report 60, Department of Applied Psychology, University of Aston, Birmingham, March 1976.
Eco-Mo Foundation (2001): Test data of public information symbols in Japan - Procedure for the testing of public information symbols by the Study Committee. ISO: ISO/TC 145/SC 1 N 329.
Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.
Gehringer, J. (1979): Untersuchung über die zeichnerische Gestaltung von Pictogrammen in Abhängigkeit von einigen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen, sowie Überprüfung einiger Bildzeichen auf ihre Erkennbarkeit. Dissertation, Psychology Department, University of Vienna.
Hashim, M. J., Alkaabi, M. S., & Bharwani, S. (2014): Interpretation of way-finding healthcare symbols by a multicultural population: navigation signage design for global health. Applied ergonomics, 45(3), 503–509.
Mijksenaar (2021): Beyond the Binary - Setting the wayfinding standard for inclusive restrooms. Retrieved 2023 12 08 from
Zwaga, H.J. & Boersema, T. (1983): Evaluation of a set of graphic symbols. Applied Ergonomics, 14, 1, 43-54.
See also
Female, Male
Handwashing Facility, Soap Dispenser, Lotion, Paper Towels, Tissue, Hand Dryer, Electric Shaver Outlet
Updated 2024-12-27 by Ch.Brugger