Facts and data on pictograms Literature

Heliport / Helicopter

Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Helicopter Pad, Helipad, Helicopter Rides, Helicopter Tours, Helicopter Transportation


Transportation, Transport Facilities, Transport Modes, Travel, Tourism, Concessions

Message / Function

To indicate the location of a facility for helicopters or where transportation by helicopter is available


Source Description
Modley & Myers page 79, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport (D/FW): Pictogram Heliport D/FW Side view of helicopter with wheels
Modley & Myers page 76, German Airport Authority (ADV): Pictogram Heliport ADV Side view of helicopter with wheels
Modley & Myers page 94, Summer Olympics Munich 1972: Pictogram Heliport O'72 Side view of helicopter with wheels
Hora page 92, Parks Canada Pictogram No 6-3-005: Helicopter Transportation PC Side view of helicopter with landing pontoons
AIGA Symbol Sign No 21: Heliport AIGA Side view of helicopter with landing pontoons
Traffic Sign STR-04: Heliport (Brazil) DER Side view of helicopter, horizontal line below
Road Sign Pictogram I-300-3: Heliport (Héliport) from Québec Québec Side view of small helicopter with landing pontoons
Modley & Myers page 110, Swedish Standard Recreation Symbols (SSRS): Pictogram Heliport SSRS Side view of small helicopter with landing pontoons
Hora page 67, TAC: Traffic Sign Heliport TAC Side view of helicopter
Hora page 158: Chinese Pictogram for Helicopter / Heliport CNIS Side view of helicopter
Eco-Mo Foundation Pictogram B04: Helicopter / Heliport Eco-Mo
Side view of helicopter
Public Information Symbol PI TF 005: Heliport or helicopters ISO 7001 Side view of helicopter
Pictogram SIS-12: Heliport (Helipuerto) from Mexico City MDCT Side view of helicopter
Italian Traffic Sign FIGURA II 123 ART. 125: Helicopter / Heliport (Eliporto) SVI Side view of helicopter
Pictogram TTS-12 Heliport (Helipuerto) from Jalisco, Mexico Jalisco Side view of helicopter
Pictogram ST-Esp 03 Helicopter Tours from Peru Peru MST Side view of helicopter
Pictogram GDLS A4-2 Heliport (South Africa) SADC Side view of helicopter
Abdullah & Hübner page 130, Düsseldorf Airport: Pictogram Helicopter Pad Düsseldorf
Side view of helicopter
Experience Japan Pictograms: Helicopter EJP Side view of helicopter

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


Pictogram variants found generally show a side view of a helicopter. Often they only differ in detail: the size indicated for example by the number of windows, landing gear as wheels, skids or pontoons, or the way rotors are drawn.

A few studies present research covering several pictogram variants for this referent. These papers offer some useful information:

In her dissertation concerning optimization of pictograms, Skone (1977) examined a total of seven renderings of helicopters with varying level of detail, based on two different helicopter types. While displaying wheels seemed negligible for fast recognition of a helicopter, showing windows appeared to be more important. A pure outline version tested proved to be least effective.

In the Japanese study to propose domestically unified graphical symbols based on scientific methods, the pictogram variant labeled as Eco-Mo Foundation reached a comprehension score of 95.1, an almost perfect value (Eco-Mo Foundation, 2001). On the other hand, when Fiori (2008) examined an map symbol similar to the pictogram labeled DER in the table above, only 39.3 % of the respondents answered correctly. Answers like Flying Club, Air Taxi, etc. indicate that a higher percentage of the participants identified the helicopter as such. This study was conducted in Brazil.

Some information concerning comprehensibility of another pictogram is available from the Parks Canada Identity Program (2007), as all pictograms that failed comprehension testing in the corresponding research have been retired from use there: the Parks Canada pictogram No 6-3-005: Helicopter Transportation displayed above and labeled PC must have reached a comprehension rate of 80 % or higher, as this variant neither has the status Retired, nor does it have to be accompanied by a supportive text message.



We recommend the use of a pictogram variant similar to the one of the Eco-Mo Foundation.

Tests of pictograms of referent Heliport / Helicopter

Eco-Mo Foundation (2001): Test data of public information symbols in Japan - Procedure for the testing of public information symbols by the Study Committee. ISO: ISO/TC 145/SC 1 N 329.

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

Parks Canada (2007): Parks Canada Identity Program: Exterior Signage; Standards and Guidelines - Version 1. March 2007.

Skone, K. (1977): Erkennbarkeit von Symbolvarianten. Dissertation, Psychology Department, University of Vienna.

See also

Airport, Arrivals / Arriving Flights, Departures / Departing Flights, Flight Connections, Transfer


Updated 2025-01-23 by Ch.Brugger