Facts and data on pictograms Literature


Synonyms / Other Terms Used

Caravaning, Caravan Park, Caravan Site, Trailer, Trailer Park, Trailer Site, Trailer Campground, Trailer Camp


Travel, Traffic, Tourism, Concessions, Public Facilities, Management

Message / Function

For notice in general and to indicate the location of public caravan facilities
Note: This does not include messages like Campervan, Mobile Home, Recreational Vehicle, Self Contained Trailer, Trailer Sanitary Station or Dump Station


Source Description
20. Convention on Road Signs and Signals: Traffic Sign F, 11: Caravan Site UN 1968 Side view of caravan with door, window, and two supports, horizontal line below
SWISSTRAFFIC Pictogram 10 47: Caravan SWISSTRAFFIC Side view of caravan with door, window, and two supports, horizontal line below
ISO 7001 Public Information Symbol PI TC 003: Caravan park or caravans ISO 7001 Side view of caravan with door and two windows, tree
Pictogram TTS-9: Caravan Park (Estacionamiento para casas rodantes) from Jalisco, Mexico Jalisco Side view of caravan with door and two windows
Italian Traffic Sign FIGURA II 147 ART. 125 Caravan SVI Side view of caravan with door and window
Traffic Sign Detail from No 365-60: Camping & Trailer Site StVO D Side view of caravan with door and window
Traffic Sign from Brazil: SVA-15 Trailer Site DER Side view of caravan with door and window
Guidance Sign GFS B7-2: Caravans from South Africa SADC Side view of caravan with door and window
Tern Pictogram TS2510 Caravan Tern Side view of caravan with window and door
Map Symbol Caravan Site (Hungary) MCH Side view of caravan with door and window
BTA 1989 Page 3.06: Symbol Caravan Park BTA Side view of caravan with window and door
Traffic Sign Symbol Caravan (Norway) W-RSN Side view of caravan with two windows
U.S. National Park Service Map Symbol: Camping and Picnicking - Trailer Site U.S. National
Park Service
Side view of caravan with two windows
Spanish Pictogram Trailer/Caravan (Remolque vivienda) Aragón Side view of caravan with window and door
Modley & Myers Page 113, Swedish Pictogram: Trailer Site SSRS Side view of caravan with two windows above horizontal line
Swedish Traffic Sign: Caravan Site STA Side view of caravan with two windows above horizontal line
Dreyfuss page 148: Pictogram Trailer Site Dreyfuss Side view of caravan with two windows and two supports
Modley & Myers Page 87, NPS Pictogram: Trailer Site NPS Side view of caravan with two windows and support
NZS 8603 Outdoor Recreation Symbol No 68: Caravan NZS 8603 Side view of caravan with two windows and support
Pictogram  No Pict-13: Trailer Camp (Caravaning); from Québec Québec Side view of caravan with two windows and support
Parks Canada Pictogram No 92: Trailers Parks Canada Side view of caravan with two windows
BSI 8501 Public Information Symbol No 8074: Caravan Site BS 8501:2002 Side view of caravan with two windows
Hora page 331: UK Map Symbol Caravan Site UKFC Side view of caravan with two windows
Hora page 42: US Traffic Sign Trailer Site MUTCD Side view of caravan with two windows
Modley & Myers Page 104, Picto'grafics Pictogram Trailer Site Picto'grafics Side view of caravan with two windows and support
Hora page 69: Canadian Road Sign Trailer Campground by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) TAC Side view of caravan with window and support
Modley & Myers Page 129, Nova Scotia Pictogram: Trailer Park Nova Scotia Side view of caravan with window and door
Otl Aicher Pictogram No 0245: Caravaning Aicher OAP Side view of car and caravan with door and window, all in outline

Note: Some of the examples shown above were mirrored horizontally to contrast differences.


Without exception all pictograms show some type of caravan in side view, in which this type of vehicle is identified easily in most cases, especially if some context information is provided. In a few cases, of which we present just one, a car pulling the caravan is shown, too.

In our research we discovered that there is only very limited test data available for the referent Caravan:

Fiori (2008) examined a map symbol almost identical to the pictogram labeled as DER in the table above. 60.2 % of the responses in a Comprehension Test were classified as correct. Some answers do not reveal whether the graphic symbol was correctly understood, and 23.3 % of the participants of this study did not provide any answer.


Tern Pictogram TS2510 Caravan

Regarding design aspects like simplicity and legibility we recommend using a pictogram like the version presented in the Tern symbol set: TS2510 Caravan. This pictogram keeps complexity at a minimum and all details are large enough to ensure larger viewing distance than most variants available. It is also well suited for small scale reproduction e.g. as map symbol.

Furthermore we recommend comparing several variants on basis of a Comprehension Test supplying sufficient context information.

Tests of pictograms of referent Caravan

Fiori, S. R. (2008): Mapas para o turismo e a interatividade - proposta teórica e prática. Tese de Doutorado - Depto. de Geografia, FFLCH-USP.

See also

Camper, Campervan, Mobile Home, Recreational Vehicle, Camping
Barbecue, Campfire, Picnic Area


Updated 2025-01-03 by Ch.Brugger